Friday, December 14, 2007

Did you know this about al-Dura?

'' Israeli television channel TV Aroutz 10 broadcasted last night the two minute testimony of the Israeli surgeon who operated on Jamal al-Dura in 1994. Jamal al-Dura had been attacked, mainly by axe by Palestinian militiamen in Gaza in 1992'', said the Metula News Agency. (Guysen.International.News) ''The Palestinian doctors sent Jamal al-Dura to seek treatment, in March 1994, at the Tel Hashomer hospital in Tel Aviv. The wounds and scars [of Jamal al-Dura] shown by Palestinian doctors on the day of the attack, in September 2000, then filmed by Talal Abu Rahma, and presented by France 2 in November 2004,date from 1992 and interventions administered by Israeli physicians in 1994. There is a better understanding now why the French public channel had refused our proposal for Jamal to be examined by a neutral doctor, preferring to have him filmed by the director of the ''murderer himself,'' said this agency. .

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