Saturday, December 15, 2007

Encouraging predictions

From Jordan:

Former Mossad head Efraim Halevy is now predicting that Washington will soon engage Tehran in talks on a variety of issues that aim to establish a closer relations between the two countries.Halevy said that the Baghdad conference on peace in Iraq, in which Iran was a vital participant, is only the start of a new process to build stronger relations between the two countries. He also postulated that the two countries need one another to solve a host of regional conflicts.

While not predicting imminent Israeli-Iranian talks as well, the former head of the Mossad did not exclude them in the future. Well, Halevy should know what he is talking about, and when he says that warmer US-Iranian relations loom on the horizon, one must take him seriously.

As far-fetched as it may seem that Iran would engage Israel in talks anytime soon, the countries of the Middle East should take this possibility into consideration when they form their regional policies. At the same time, the Arab countries need not fear or be concerned about better US-Iranian relations. As a matter of fact, the countries of the region as a whole should welcome such a development because that would be the best way to ease tension and prepare the groundwork for a regional peace that covers not only the Arab-Israeli front but all conflicts, including in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The only caveat that the Arab world should attach to improved Iranian-US relations should be that improvements on the Iranian front be not pursued at the expense of other issues in the region.

This said, Halevy’s predictions should not be taken as alarming, as feared by the former Mossad chief. Rather, they should be taken as the chance to open the door for the resolution of many regional conflicts..

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