Friday, December 07, 2007

Iraqi Government Reaches Revenue Target

Good news from Iraq not being reported by mainstream media 40 Al Qaeda In Iraq Leaders Captured Or Killed In November; Mosul AirportReopens For Commercial Flights For First Time In 14 Years The central government of Iraq has reached its 2007 target of $30.2 billionin budget revenue. (Phil Reeker, U.S. Embassy, Press Briefing, 12/4/07) *

This milestone occurred one month before the end of the year.
* Phil Reeker: "[T]he Government of Iraq had budgeted for 2007predicated upon total revenues of $30.2 billion of which oil revenue was toaccount for $28 billion. And oil revenues alone have reached U.S. $30.2billion by the first of December so that's an entire month before the end ofthe fiscal year at the end of 2007." The central government of Iraq continues to distribute revenue to provinces.(Dep. Sec. John Negroponte, Press Briefing, 12/2/07)

* Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte: "When I was UnitedStates Ambassador to Iraq, there was no such thing as provincial budgets.Now, the central government is distributing revenue to the provinces, whichhave made impressive progress in executing their budgets." In an interview, Lt. Gen. Ray Odierno reports a 23-week trend of declininginsurgent attacks and Iraqi civilian deaths. (Robert Burns, "Iraqis To HireSecurity," The Associated Press, 12/4/07) * Associated Press: "Assessing the overall state of security in Iraq,Odierno said an improving trend has held steady for 23 consecutive weeks interms of fewer insurgent attacks and declining number of Iraqi civiliandeaths." 40 al Qaeda in Iraq leaders were captured or killed by Coalition forces inthe month of November. (Maj. Gen. Kevin Bergner, Press Briefing, 12/4/07) These leaders included:

* Abu Maysara, also known as Abu Basha'ir o Abu Maysara served as a senior advisor to al Qaeda in Iraq leaderAbu Ayyub al-Masri and was responsible for providing him with extremistguidance and justifications on terrorist matters.

* Four senior-level Emirs, nine Emirs or cell leaders involved in theuse of improvised explosive devices, eight foreign terrorist facilitators,and six al Qaeda terrorists involved in media and propaganda operations

* View MNF-I Slides On December 2, the Mosul Airport reopened for commercial flights for thefirst time in 14 years. (MNC-I, Press Release, 12/4/07)

* R.C. Shackelford, provincial program manager: "The Iraqi Airlinesstaff here performed wonderfully, overcoming operational obstacles instride. The process will only get better with each experience."

* In partnership with Ninewa's Provincial Council and GovernorKashmoula, the U.S. Department of State contributed $3.2 million to helprenovate the passenger terminal. Other funding came from the Iraqi Ministryof Transportation and Ministry of Finance. Iraqis continue to take important steps in the area of economic reform.(Deputy Secretary Of The Treasury Robert Kimmitt, Media Roundtable, 12/3/07)

* U.S. Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Robert Kimmitt reports thatIraq is likely to receive IMF approval for a new "standby agreement" in thenext two weeks. o Kimmitt: "A standby agreement is quite important because living upto the terms of the standby agreement is the precondition to debt reliefunder the Paris Club arrangements."

* Last month, Iraq signed a $3.8 billion debt relief agreement withBulgaria. .

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