Another chickens coming home to roost moment. Of course, if the Saudis were remotely serious about condemning terrorism, they wouldn't be teaching their children to hate non-Muslims and that jihad is a duty. "Saudi Anti-Terror Cartoons," from MEMRI, August 21 (thanks to AC)On June 25, 2008, the Saudi Interior Ministry reported the arrest of 520 Al-Qaeda operatives who had planned to strike oil facilities and economic centers in eastern Saudi Arabia. According to the report, the leader of the cell, who bore a message from Al-Qaeda deputy leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri, was among those arrested, as were some 50 webmasters of websites that spread extremist ideas and encourage terrorism.
After the arrests were made public, Saudi papers focused on condemning terrorism and terrorist ideology, through articles and cartoons.
Thanks Jihad Watch
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