Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Bargaining Table Must Turn: The State the Palestinian-Arabs Do Not Deserve or Want

Nurit Greenger

For nearly two decades, Israel’s leaders have participated in failed peace meetings with one main question in mind: How much we are willing to pay for the peace we desire? In doing so, mistakenly they have acted as though the Arab-‘Palestinians’ actually have something to sell to them. During those meetings no one ever stood up to tell the Israeli leaders, i.e. Yitzchak Rabin, Shimon Peres, Ariel Sharon, Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, Ehud Olmert, Tzipi Livni: “Wait a minute, in this equation you’re not the buyers, you’re the sellers!” More so, none of the Israeli leaders ever stood up during one of those meetings to say to the Arab-‘Palestinians’: What you have to sell, we do not want to buy. If one day however, you arrive at the notion that you have something to sell to us, please approach us and we will then decide whether we want or do not want to buy it.”

Why Israelis are the sellers? Because everyone knows and relies on the fact that when Israel signs an agreement or treaty with an Arab country, it is capable of honoring and will honor it. On the other hand, it’s no secret that the Arab-‘Palestinians’, with or without Hamas, are in no position to deliver peace to Israel. In fact they do not want to achieve peace or statehood.

If any party should be selling, it is Israel. Yet, incredibly and most disturbingly, it is always the reverse: The Arab-‘Palestinians’ are selling ‘peace’ they can’t and have no intention to deliver, while the Israelis are buying [euphoric] ‘peace’ that simply doesn’t exist.

No wonder why all [Israel’s] the peace plans keep failing!

Groups like Peace Now keep banging their heads against the wall, hoping that more concessions from Israel, though most unrealistic, painful and of great danger to her, will somehow bring Israel closer to that elusive peace solution.

The problem with all those who are pressuring Israel to buy peace through concessions is that they help perpetuates the illusion that the Arab-‘Palestinians’ have something to sell.

What the world must finally realize, come to terms with and demand that the Arab-‘Palestinians’ indeed deliver their full end of the bargain so that the 20 years old [no] peace process can finally move forward. Until this happens, if ever, any question of creating Arab-‘Palestinians’ state is very much moot.

Solution? The sides must switch roles and with it state of minds.

Israel must act like she is the “peace shop owner in a bazaar [souk],” and the Arab-‘Palestinians’ must act like they are the “peace buyers in that bazaar [souk].” With a buyer’s mentality, the Arab-‘Palestinians’ will be more likely to make their own offers, rather than passively keep on rejecting the Israeli on going offers.

To secure the right product [peace leading to statehood] at the right price for both sides, as buyers and through negotiations, the Palestinian-Arabs will find out that Israel must have minimum security deposit which amounts to: they end teaching their children to hate Jews and Israelis and stop inciting Jihad against Israel; the Arab-‘Palestinians’ can’t offer peace while they’re teaching and inciting war; they either want peace or they want war but they cannot have both. Tragically, for the past 16-years, the Oslo Accords’ anti-incitement clause was totally ignored by the Arab-‘Palestinians’ as well as the International Community. For 16 years the Arab-‘Palestinians’ society continued its habit of demonizing Jews, which contributed to the growth of terrorism and the elevation of rejectionist forces like Hamas and indirectly to the surge of worldwide antisemitism.

Sadly, Israel is hardly blameless in this picture, and it has made its [major] share of mistakes. In my opinion, the ‘settlements’ is not one of them because according to the International Community, the League of Nations and the United Nation Organization (UN) the territories Israel gained in 1967 all legally belonged to her anyway before the 1948 Independence War. So who made it law that building new settlements in these territories is an illegal act? Why did Israel agree to it?

‘Settlements’ [shmetlements] or no ‘settlements,’ the fact remains that until now, in more than one way, the Israeli government has shown great willingness to pay a huge price for peace, even though not always with the agreement, rather with much resistance, from the Israelis they represent, i.e. the disengagement from Yamit in Sinai and the latest the unilateral disengagement from Gaza.

Had the Arab-‘Palestinians’ been smart, had they taken any responsibility for their situation and actions and had they developed a culture of co-existence, they would have long ago made Israel an offer it couldn’t refuse. They would have called Israel’s bluff and made the process real.

Instead, the entire world has been continuing the ‘sorry for the Palestinian-Arabs’ spectacle while global diplomats have been parachuting into Jerusalem to coax the adversaries into yet another round of the “let’s play the peace process” game.

Leading the latest surge of pressure—bordering threats from colder relations to ending the sale of arms—so Israel concedes to her adversaries, is blowing from the new, can-do it all, president Obama and his administration. Obama believes that a solution is possible if only the U.S. becomes more “engaged,” as if the U.S was not heavily vested and engaged in those hocus-pocus ‘peace’ talks for years. Obama will soon learn that no amount of American engagement, endless talks with the Arabs or more Israeli concessions can undo the reality that for the foreseeable future, the Arab-‘Palestinians’ are utterly incapable of delivering peace to Israel so they can deserve the statehood the International Community so badly wants to give them.

The Arab-‘Palestinians’ remaining statelessness is their ace card against Israel and their ransom card the West has been paying for these past 61 years! Who laughs last?

It is former President George Bush who wanted Iraq to become a democracy and though the USA Administrations will never openly admit it, Iraq will never be an exemplary Western Democracy enclave…It was former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who wanted and pushed for democratic elections in Gaza and in return for her thought to be good intentions, the experts begged her not to take, she got the terror organization Hamas to rule Gaza by terror and mayhem …It is the elite and enlightened of Europe and the USA and Israel who want to see a “Palestinian State” carved out Israel’s land and established in the heart of Judea and Samaria, a state the Arab-‘Palestinians’ do not really want, just pretend and put up a face they do!

As Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s Foreign Minister told the Jerusalem Post in his first interview with the newspaper: “…everybody, you know, speaks with you like you're in a campaign: ‘Occupation,’ ‘settlements,’ ‘settlers’...slogans like these, and others such as ‘land for peace’ and ‘two-state solution,’ were both overly simplistic and ignored the root causes of the ongoing conflict…the fact was that the Palestinian issue was ‘deadlocked’ despite the best efforts of a series of dovish Israeli governments. Israel has proved its good intentions, our desire for peace…the path forward lays in ensuring security for Israel, an improved economy for the Palestinians, and stability for both…it is impossible to artificially impose any political solution. It will fail, for sure. You cannot start any peace process from nothing…”

All this, of course, is rather sobering for those who fear for the future of Israel as a democratic Jewish State. One thing we can be sure of is that the International Community and groups like Peace Now will continue pressuring Israel to make concessions, and people like me will continue being frustrated that the entire process is upside down and so unfair to Israel.

Kindness is loving people more than they deserve.

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