Sunday, May 10, 2009

Subject: Let your foot off the “two states for two nations” program exhilarator or you will drive Israel over the cliff

Dear US Government,

Those who propagate the “two states for two nations” program do not understand or recognize even the most basic attitude of Islam towards Jews and the status of the Land of Israel to Islam, known as “Wakf”–holy land granted forever to Moslems. Under the “Wakf” rule, Moslems are forbid from recognizing the rule over the Land of Israel by other heretics such as Jews or Christians. So this naïve person who promulgates the “two states for two nations” program must understand that the Arabs can sign with the State of Israel political agreements and even a peace treaty, but they will never recognize it as a Jewish state. May 10, 2009

To: Senator Robert Casey (D-PA), Chairman

Near East Subcommittee, Foreign Relations Committee

To: Gary Ackerman, New York 5th District, Chairman

Middle East Subcommittee, US House Foreign Affairs Committee

To: all US Secretaries, Senators and Congressmen

Subject: Let your foot off the “two states for two nations” program exhilarator or you will drive Israel over the cliff

Dear US Government,

Those who propagate the “two states for two nations” program do not understand or recognize even the most basic attitude of Islam towards Jews and the status of the Land of Israel to Islam, known as “Wakf”–holy land granted forever to Moslems. Under the “Wakf” rule, Moslems are forbid from recognizing the rule over the Land of Israel by other heretics such as Jews or Christians. So this naïve person who promulgates the “two states for two nations” program must understand that the Arabs can sign with the State of Israel political agreements and even a peace treaty, but they will never recognize it as a Jewish state. No such peace treaty will ever hold. It will not prevent the Arabs from fighting a war with Israel, whether from within or without in order for them to turn it into a bi-national state and then, at a later stage, an Arab state. The creation of an independent Palestinian state in the Land of Israel will serve the eventual purpose of an Arab state well.

To negotiate with Arab-Muslims is to delude oneself. We speak in good faith and they speak in Taqiyya; they lie and deceit and do not mean a word they say nor will follow on any promise they make or any agreement they signed on. The Koran tells the Muslims to lie and it is part of their makeup. One cannot and must not believe a Muslim.

Yitzchak Rabin, the late Israel Prime Minister, said, “A Palestinian state can rise only on the ruins of the State of Israel.” He understood that the Arabs desire to destroy Israel. Why will anyone understand any different from Rabin’s expertise on the issue? It is the most widespread error to think that the conflict between Jews and Arabs in the Land of Israel lies in the diagnosis that it is a territorial dispute. Very wrong!

An Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 lines will not solve the conflict. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which Arafat led, was founded not as a result of the Six Day War of 1967 but three years earlier. At that time Israel did not possess the Judea, Samaria and Gaza territories. The territory of pre 1967 Israel is precisely the “Palestine” the Arabs want to “liberate” and settle in. This was clearly expressed by the organization (PLO) that Israel is now being asked [pushed] to sign an accord with, in order to give it statehood.

The establishment of a Palestinian state will bring about the destruction of Israel. Whoever blindly and closed mindedly repeats the mantra of “two states for two nations” can apparently not understand this, just as the Popes, in the Middle Ages, could not be convinced that the sun does not orbit the earth.

More than 3,500 years of recorded history bear witness to many attempts to destroy the people of Israel. They tried in the past, they’re still trying, and apparently they’ll continue to try.

A small reminder: the establishment of a Palestinian state west of the Jordan is not only impossible for anyone who wants Israel to continue to exist, but it is also unnecessary because there already is a Palestinian state, and it is called Jordan.

Saying ‘Yes’ to a Palestinian state is saying ‘No’ to the State of Israel.

Please say ‘No’ to a Palestinian state meaning you are saying ‘Yes’ to the State of Israel.

Thank you,

Nurit Greenger

Los Angeles, California

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