Dick McDonald
Barack Obama , may his tribe decrease, awoke one night from his Kenyan peace and, lo and behold, he saw this land of milk and honey populated with inexperienced and uninformed citizens. So he gathered together his Comrades and rode to the land of milk and honey to mount its rescue – to bring change, change and more change.
After five months in office and three years of promises, this is the change he has brought to our country and its citizens:
1. He promised to save 3 or 4 million jobs – we have lost 3.5 million jobs since January.
2. He promised to hold unemployment to 8 percent - it is at 9.5 percent and skyrocketing.
3. The Government’s tax receipts from corporations are down 55 percent.
4. The Government’s tax receipts from individuals are down 27 percent.
5. Obama’s minions passed a stimulus bill that has no chance of stimulating the economy.
6. He announced plans to tax job creators and kill old people to pay for a universal health plan no one wants and will probably bankrupt the country anyway.
7. The deficit hit a record $1 trillion on July 14, 2009, on its way to a record $2 trillion by year end.
8. The number of under-employed is at 20 percent and rising.
9. Business is reeling from being told they will bear more of the tax burden and have reduced staff.
10. Cap and Trade will add billions to the cost of all products sold in America – it will hurt not only the poor but the rich as well, it will hurt every living person.
11. New emission standards will add billions to transportation cost for everything.
12. He has incurred more debt in five months than all the presidents before him (combined).
13. He has favored wealth re-distribution over job creation and economic growth.
14. He bowed to a Saudi King and runs down America wherever he goes.
15. He has taken sides favoring Islamic Palestinians over the Israelis.
16. He funds a Gestapo-like mob of ACORN brown shirts, intimidating everyone.
17. He voted against strict constructionists for SCOTUS.
18. He is anti-gun and for post-birth abortions.
19. He attended a black separatist church for 20 years and never heard the sermon.
20. He has taken over General Motors and bankrupted little old ladies who invested in their bonds.
21. He gave an equity interest in General Motors to an unsecured UAW debtor as a political payoff.
22. He probably is a Kenyan-born citizen of Indonesia – we don’t know, as his team of lawyers is protecting him against releasing his birth certificate, school and passport records.
24. His only solutions are to tax the rich directly and the poor indirectly.
25. Amazingly, he gives Miranda Rights to the enemy on the battlefield.
26. He wants to stop the CIA from killing enemy leaders during a war.
27. Obama hires over 40 Czars to run the country without vetting by Congress or election by the people.
28. He is an anti-capitalist who favors a socialist, enormously powerful government.
29. He is against increasing domestic oil drilling in ANWR and offshore which would provide millions of jobs and free us from foreign oil dependence.
30. He is against building nuclear plants, forcing us to pay more for energy.
31. He believes in the fantasy – indeed, lie - of global warming.
32. His stimulus funds have all gone to save constituents’ jobs, not to create new ones.
33. “Everything is on the table” to solve an insolvent Social Security except the privatization that solves it.
34. His ethanol addiction has caused corn shortages that precipitated starvation in the Third World.
35. Obama uses Democrat-controlled media and academe to silence critics.
A very trusting people still can’t believe they have been so thoroughly fooled by a politician, because they were disarmed by the man’s theatrical calm and deliberate attitude and accessibility. Unlike previous presidents, he is basking on stage almost 24/7 with such a flurry of activity that the people have a false sense of confidence he is doing something right. His speeches constantly use American standards like “investment,” when in fact he means “consumption” and “growth” when it amounts to redistribution of wealth and income.
The man told us he was a Socialist when he told us he believed in the redistribution of wealth; yet most of the country heard only that he was going to reduce income taxes on 95 percent of the people and clean Washington out of special interests. The people neglected to notice that, with only 50 percent of citizens paying taxes, it would have been impossible to reduce taxes for 95 percent of them. What Obama has done instead is that he has instituted draconian spending programs that tax all the people, whether directly or indirectly – cap and trade, emission standards, environmental regulations, stimulus packages, nationalization of banks, auto companies, insurance companies, universal health care.
Amazingly, the media, academe and those who live by suspending their disbelief – like Hollywood and its filmgoers and those many in the country who trust a man by his demeanor instead of his actions – still believe he will do “the common good.” Not surprisingly, however, their numbers are slipping fast, according to the most recent polls, as approval for Obama’s promises of “change” reveal themselves to be so frightening.
Even a cursory understanding of what he does as listed above puts the lie to what he says. The man is trading on our wishful thinking, and we will all soon awaken from this dream to the nightmare he has wrought.
FamilySecurityMatters.org Contributing Editor Dick McDonald is a career financial analyst, accountant and champion of establishing Personal Accounts for American workers in place of the outmoded, inefficient Social Security program. Dick maintains a website at http://www.riseupwarrior.com/.
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