Monday, July 20, 2009

What is and what isn’t; what to do and what not to do?

Nurit Greenger

July 19, 2009

The beliefs held by much of the world regarding the on going war between the Arabs-‘Palestinian’ and Israel differ sharply from what we should and can expect. Simplifying matters and putting into perspective may drive the message home faster.
Arabs-‘Palestinian’ Media Bias: The Arabs-‘Palestinian’ media deals with propaganda only. The Arabs-‘Palestinian’ newspapers never print anything but propaganda. The only place an Arab Muslim, like Khaled Abu Toameh, an Israeli citizen-Arab-Muslim and a prominent journalist, can write honestly is in a Jewish newspaper; other Arab journalists envy Toameh’s journalistic freedom none of the Arabs countries or Hamas and Fatah allow them to have.

Peace Process: This so-called "peace process," begun in 1993 with the Oslo Accords; it has been nothing but a tragic failure of events and even today, with all the rhetoric of the Arab-‘Palestinian’ supporters who deliberately ignore the truth and the facts on the ground in favor of the Arabs-‘Palestinian’, it holds little promise of success. The Antonym for peace is war. For the past 16 years, the ‘peace process’ has brought war, homicide bombing, and terror—and plenty of it. It has only disillusioned both Arabs and Jews. Arabs because they haven't acquired the independence and honest self-government they claim they want; Jews because their security and peaceful existence has become more elusive than it was two decades ago. Through Obama, the EU and the UN and others believe the virtue of the peace process is self-evident the truth is that they are lying to themselves and to their audience.

The Arab-‘Palestinian’: are now divided between two bloodthirsty sects engaged in a murderous conflict; Fatah, holding fragile power in the West Bank and Hamas that controls Gaza. Until today, their conflict has cost nearly 2,000 Arab-‘Palestinian’ lives and shows no sign of dwindling. This is not a power struggle between good guys and bad guys; it is a struggle between very bad guys and very bad guys. They are not fighting over what would be best for Arab-‘Palestinians’ but over the money, the world so freely deposits in their bank accounts, and power. Neither Fatah nor Hamas could be called moderate by any sensible person or an Arabic speaker, if there is a sensible one. They both suppress moderate opinion wherever it raises its head, which is apparently not that often.

Fatah, the west and even some in Israel chose as the Arab-‘Palestinian’ “moderate" camp is not at all moderate. Fatah still makes moderate sounds in English but in Arabic it sounds very anti-Semitic-anti-Israel and anti-American as Hamas sounds. All that Fatah is doing is using Taqiyya to deceive the infidels and advance its cause.

Among the Arab population Fatah has been and remains unpopular and the underdog. West Bank Arabs take its leadership’s corruption for granted and now strongly suspect that it is controlled as well as backed by the [unpopular] Americans. So now the U.S. President Barack Obama is part of the problem and by a long shot not the solution’s deliverer.

The West has been spending billions of dollars on Fatah so in return they can have Fata singing in their ears relatively benign rhetoric when sang in English while totally ignoring the venomous anti-Semitic-anti-Israel and anti West that comes out the other side of their mouths when sang in Arabic. Much of the almost unaccounted fortunes the West has been frivolously spending on Fatah has been consistently stolen by Fatah officials. Instead of ending this bottomless corruption pot the donors hardly ever report their grand losses [thefts] to their constituents; all is brushed under the carpet to keep the momentum of the failing for years, ‘peace process’ going. (When will the West tax payers finally stand up and say: no more of our money to support this endless corruption that leads to no where?!)

The skewed world: With the propaganda the Arabs have managed to so masterfully use for many years, most of the world now believes, often with irrational and intense passion, that building Jewish-Israeli villages and towns or using the disparaging terminology ‘settlements’ on land deceptively claimed by Arabs to be theirs, simply limits the chances for peace. This is falsehood. Don’t we all wish these Jewish-Israeli villages and towns were the real problem?! Because if that is the case, the Israelis will be able to solve this problem rather fast. If Jewish-Israeli villages and towns were the real problem, then Gaza would now be at peace with Israel. After all, in 2005 the Israelis pulled out of Gaza, lock, stock and barrel. But, no; the result was no peace on Israel’s southern border, rather it brought much terror, daily barrage of rockets and mortars and war; on going war among the Arab-‘Palestinians’ and on going war with Israel. And, regardless of all the facts on the ground and the 16 years of the Arabs simply pouring Jewish blood anywhere and anyhow they can, the world keeps on driving the message and putting the total blame and pressure on Israel: Israel, must make more concessions so peace in our time will be possible.

What is there for us to do to try turning things around? The media must begin telling the truth. Yeah, will that ever happen when it involves telling the truth about Israel and Jews? Foreign journalists must tell the real story, not the wishful thinking story. If the excuse is that information on Palestinian corruption simply does not fit into the stories their editors want to publish, then they must find another editor who will publish the real story. Isn’t this true journalism telling it as it is?! The more the truth is being told the faster the West can cure this disease, even if it will take a drastic move to end the ‘pity’ sentiments the West developed for the Arab-‘Palestinians’ and perhaps even bring to an end all funding so the Arab-‘Palestinians,’ who got so accustomed to live on the dole will finally have to find a way, anyway, to create work for themselves so they can make a real living. Perhaps creating jobs and going to work will finally employ their brain cells, now totally occupied with lies and deceit, with hate and with plans to kill the Jews, jihad and the conquest of the West, with positive and productive thinking and constructive plan for peace.

The real obstacle: So NO dear world, the real obstacle to peace between the Arabs and the Israelis is not a Jew building a home in Jerusalem, Samaria or Judea but the failure of the Arab-‘Palestinians’ to establish a government to lead them to statehood and liberty. It seems that this has never been their goal, if ever.

Does Israel have a partner for peace talks in the Arab-‘Palestinian’? Absolutely NOT!

What should Israel do? NOTHING! Simply wait (and in the meantime continue thriving in all aspects) until the Arab-‘Palestinians’ stop killing each other [if ever] and finally create a credible political entity that can make the desirous, for both sides, peace deal. Only then will peace become a possibility.

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