Sunday, November 07, 2010

Kangaroo Court on Israel To Sit At Law Society

Jonathan Hoffman

I am astonished that this story did not make the hard copy of the JC today. Here are the quotes that were given to the journalist:

Jonathan Goldberg QC said:

"It is hard to think of any other learned profession in the United Kingdom which has benefited so much from its distinguished Jewish members over the centuries as the Solicitors profession. Examples abound, right up to the present Supreme Court Judge Lord Collins of Mapesbury. It is deeply offensive to British Jews and lawyers that the Law Society is hosting this controversial political event. It is little more than an Israel-bashing fest, in the guise of a kangaroo court, which has arrogantly summonsed companies doing business with Israel to appear before it to justify themselves. Many of the usual cast of hard left-wing Zionist-haters are speaking. " Jonathan Hoffman - ZF Co-Vice Chair - said: "It seems that the Law Society has been duped into thinking that this is some kind of high minded quasi-judicial inquiry. But it is a sham show trial with the result predetermined. By using the credibility of the Law Society, the organisers - utterly cynically - are trying to give it a veneer of respectability. They are bringing the name of the Law Society into disrepute and that should be sufficient to lead to the cancellation of the booking. Let's hope the Society's Officers make the right decision. If they do not, many lawyers will question why they should remain members and why they should hold events there."

Please protest to the Law Society. Its Chief Executive continues to maintain that this hire is a 'normal market transaction'.......

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