Friday, December 10, 2010

12 Key Findings on Shariah’s Threat to America

Team B II

NewsReal Blog will be featuring excerpts from the Center For Security Policy‘s new report Shariah: The Threat to America which can be purchased here or downloaded in full here.

Excerpt 1: The report’s introduction can be read here.

• The United States is under attack by foes who are openly animated by what is known in Islam as shariah (Islamic law). According to shariah, every faithful Muslim is obligated to wage jihad (whether violent or not) against those who do not adhere to this comprehensive, totalitarian, political-military code. The en- emy’s explicit goal is to establish a global Islamic state, known as the caliphate, governed by shariah. Shariah is based on the Quran (held by all Muslims to be the “uncreated” word of Allah as dictated to Mohammed), hadiths (sayings of Mohammed) and agreed interpretations. It commands Muslims to carry out jihad (holy war) in- definitely until all of the Dar al-Harb (i.e., the House of War, where shariah is not enforced) is brought under the domination of Dar al-Islam (the House of Is- lam – or literally the House of Submission, where shariah is enforced).

• Shariah dictates that non-Muslims be given three choices: convert to Islam and conform to shariah; submit as second-class citizens (dhimmis); or be killed. Not all classes are given the second option.

• Both Islamic terrorism and pre-violent, “civilization jihad” (popularly referred to as “stealth jihad”) are commanded by shariah. That is not only the view of “ex- tremists” and “fringe” elements “hijacking the religion,” but of many authorities of Islam widely recognized as mainstream and drawing upon orthodox texts, in- terpretations and practices of the faith.

• The Muslim Brotherhood is the font of modern Islamic jihad. It is dedicated to the same global supremacist objectives as those (like al Qaeda and the Taliban) who share its adherence to shariah but who believe that violent jihad is more likely to more quickly produce the common goal of a global caliphate.

• The Brotherhood’s internal documents make clear that civilization jihad is sub- version waged by stealth instead of violence only until such time as Muslims are powerful enough to progress to violent jihad for the final conquest.

• Those who work to insinuate shariah into the United States intend to subvert and replace the Constitution (itself a violation of Article VI) because, according to shariah, freedom of religion, other civil liberties enshrined in the Constitu- tion, and the rule of man-made law are incompatible with Islam (which means “submission”).

• The shariah-adherent enemy prioritizes Information Warfare, manifested in American society as political warfare, psychological warfare, influence opera- tions and subversion of our foundational institutions. Our government struc- ture fails to recognize this strategy because it is focused so exclusively on kinetic attacks. As a result, the United States remains crippled in its inability to engage this enemy effectively on his primary battlefield.

• The Brotherhood exploits the atmosphere of intimidation created by Islamic terrorists, thus inculcating in the West a perceived need for “outreach” to the “Muslim community” which, in turn, opens up opportunities to pursue a cam- paign of stealthy infiltration into American and other Western societies. The combined effect of such “civilization jihad” and jihadism of the violent kind may prove to be considerably more dangerous for this country and other Western societies than violent jihad alone.

The Brotherhood has succeeded in penetrating our educational, legal and politi- cal systems, as well as top levels of government, intelligence, the media, and U.S. military, virtually paralyzing our ability to respond effectively.

• Muslim Brotherhood organizations conduct outreach to the government, law enforcement, media, religious community, and others for one reason: to subvert them in furtherance of their objective, which is implementation of Islamic Law.

• An informed and determined counter-strategy to defend the Constitution from shariah can yet succeed – provided it is undertaken in the prompt, timely and comprehensive manner recommended by Team B II.

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