Monday, December 06, 2010

The Atlantic's Jeff Goldberg: 'Don't Donate To Those Rich Jews For Israel's Fire Relief Fund'


I've long known the Atlantic has at least one resident Jew hater and Israel basher in Andrew Sullivan. It appears the virus has spread to Jeff Goldberg as well...

In response to the catastrophic forest fires in Israel, the Jewish National Fund has mounted a special campaign asking for donations for its "Forest Fire Emergency Campaign."

Goldberg urges people not to donate, because after all, those Rich Jew Boys have plenty of money, and besides, it's all their own fault anyway for not having their fire services up to Goldberg's standards, him being an expert and all. Donate to Haiti, to Muslims in East Asia hit by tsunamis, to the 'Palestinians' for no apparent reason, to every other disaster under the sun, fine. But Israel? No way, not according to Goldberg. And the fact that he singles Israel out for special treatment...well, there's a word for that.

The fact that Israel's fire fighting services were more than adequate for years until they were suddenly hit with a number of fires the country had never experienced before where arson is suspected apparently doesn't interest him in the least.

I used to wonder how people like this rationalize this kind of poisonous bile, but at this point, I realize that for a lot of them, Jew hatred and Israel bashing is simply a way of maintaining their Leftist credentials.

And the fact that Goldberg may consider himself a Jew means nothing compared to that. He's simply too far enmeshed in the web.

You have to feel sorry for him - almost.

Guest Comment: Two points:

1. Goldberg certainly should know that Israel's priorities do not -- cannot
-- be buying fire engines at this time. (Besides the point that during the
normal rainy season from October - May, the threat of such a fire is a
million to one. This fire was the "Perfect Firestorm.") Should Israel cut
Iron Dome anti-missile funding for three fire-fighting aircraft, or buy one
less F-35 in order to buy 100 fire engines?

2. As much as JNF-KKL wants to take the money from foreign Jews, the foreign
Jews need to give money JNF-KKL to build Israel, plant trees, and establish
parks. Some of us can remember bringing to first grade a dime a week to
paste a leave on a JNF tree. The blue pushke was ubiquitous. As a kid in
the US, I'd stand outside of a Washington deli on Sunday mornings with a
blue pushke. Goldberg cannot deny American Jews the privilege of building
Israel.Lenny Bendavid

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