Monday, December 20, 2010

Letter to congress

Dear Congressman Henry Waxman,

For years Palestinian's supporters have tried to censor the exposure of their hate and vitriol towards Israel, Jews and the West. After many years, they have finally succeeded. YouTube has succumbed to their pressure and closed Palestinian Media Watch's (PMW) (, YouTube account, claiming that by uploading hate speech it has breached YouTube policy.

PMW only work is to expose – in their own words - the hate and vitriol towards Israel and Jews coming in abundance, mainly, from the Palestinians, but also the Arab world.
To me it seems peculiar that YouTube would censor Palestinian Media Watch in its attempt to expose, thus eradicate Palestinian hate education by "naming and shaming".

This is a YouTube red herring story. By censoring the PMW exposure of the Palestinians, Arabs and other moslems' hate and vitriol, and by YouTube shutting Palestinian Media Watch's account, under the claim that it uploads hate speech thus, breaching YouTube's terms policy, now everyone, including Palestinians' supporters, agree that PA Television broadcasts hate speech and incitement to violence. So much so, that it has been banned from YouTube.

This same shameful hate speech the PA TV is spewing is directly paid for and closely controlled by the PA President Abbas' office, the moderate Arab pointed at as the man of "peace." The PA Television is in turn largely funded by international donors - with the UK and EU leading the pack, and not too far behind is the USA.

So the international community powers, that claim they seek to see peace between the Arabs and Israelis, in reality finance the incitement that leads to wars and violence instead. What hypocrisy.

What I want to know from you, Congressman, is why the American taxpayers money being poured into violence and corruption, including the corruption of the minds of children?

Why is our government propping up a regime that pushes hatred and war instead of peace?

When will the world show, the USA at the lead, in action, that it understands what REALLY stands in the way of peace in the Arab-Israel conflict?

I now demand that the United States ends all funding to UNRWA and stops sponsoring the PA. Stop the flood of money to these barbarians. That will be the first step towards real peace.

Nurit Greenger
Los Angeles, 90035

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