Monday, December 06, 2010

Residents of Jerusalem

To the Editor:

In “Eviction of Palestinian Family, After a Legal Battle, Underlines Tensions Over Jerusalem” (news article, Nov. 24), you call Israelis who move into homes legally purchased from Palestinians in Jerusalem “settlers.”

Today, hundreds of Palestinians are moving legally into homes owned by Jews in Jerusalem. We, however, do not disparage them as “settlers.” Rather, we call them “residents” and “neighbors.”

The notion that some areas of Jerusalem — the capital of the Jewish people for 3,000 years — should be off-limits to Jews, while the entire city is open to Arabs, is deeply prejudicial. The suggestion that Jews, or any other ethnic group, would be denied residence in an American city would instantly be condemned as racist. Moreover, there are no settlers in Jerusalem, which is sovereign Israeli territory, just as there are no settlers in Tel Aviv and Haifa.

While The Times often reports on construction in Israel, it reports much less often on the constant incitement against Israel from the Palestinian Authority, including a delegitimization campaign against the State of Israel — the biblical sites, the history and the borders of the country.

Joel Lion
Spokesman and Consul for Media
Consulate General of Israel
New York, Nov. 24, 2010

Comment: The term "settlers" has been used by various groups with a political agenda. If a leadership wants to divide a people, use a term that isolates part of a population. If a leadership wants to create upset within a group of people so that they can be divided and conquered, use a term that accomplishes this mission. for years, the "settlers" term has been so used. Not only is it inaccurate it is selfishly being applied to support a point of view detrimental to the security and health of Israel. The media is complicit in the use of this term and Israel's leaders show limited courage in breaking the trend. Time to change the narrative. Many naive and ignorant Westerners do not know that the people living in the West Bank who are Israelis are first and foremost Israeli citizens. You demand clarity of speech with your children why do you forfeit this responsibility when it comes to Israel?

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