Honest Reporting
Which is worse — stabbing children to death or building new houses in West Bank settlements? The answer is obvious. But that’s not the point. The point is that no matter how abhorrent the murders are, it serves no purpose to aggravate the provocation that led to them in the first place.
So according to the LA Times, baby killing is a natural response to an Israeli provocation, in this case the act of building houses. Is this any different to the vicious rhetoric of Hamas, which justified the murders? March 15, 2011 13:48 by Simon Plosker
The inhuman act of slitting the throats of a three-month old baby, two small children and their parents defies any understanding or justification for any political cause. But not for the LA Times, which contends that the brutal murder of the Fogel family are part of an ongoing “cycle of violence”:
We’re currently witnessing the cycle in real time. On Saturday, five members of an Israeli family living in the West Bank settlement of Itamar, near the Palestinian city of Nablus, were killed, including an 11-year-old boy, a 4-year-old boy and an infant girl, presumably by Palestinian militants. In response to this brutal tragedy, the Israeli government announced that it would build 500 more houses in existing settlements in the West Bank. Interior Minister Eli Yishai said Sunday that 500 was not enough and that Israel should build 1,000 new homes for every Israeli who is killed there.
Which is worse — stabbing children to death or building new houses in West Bank settlements? The answer is obvious. But that’s not the point. The point is that no matter how abhorrent the murders are, it serves no purpose to aggravate the provocation that led to them in the first place.
So according to the LA Times, baby killing is a natural response to an Israeli provocation, in this case the act of building houses. Is this any different to the vicious rhetoric of Hamas, which justified the murders?
The LA Times asks:
How will building more houses for Israelis in the midst of the West Bank, in settlements that are almost universally acknowledged to violate international law, do anything other than keep the crisis going? Answer: It won’t.
Perhaps the LA Times should be asking how the butchering of babies, which is universally condemned, will do anything other than keep the crisis going? But instead, the paper cares little for placing responsibility for Palestinian actions on the Palestinians themselves let alone dealing with the very real issue of incitement in the Palestinian media and education system.
As for the claim that this brutal act is simply part of a “cycle of violence”, this is a charge that has been employed on a regular basis by lazy media that cannot differentiate between Palestinian terror, Israeli self-defense or non-violent acts of building homes. The Jerusalem Post eloquently debunked this as far back as 2008:
In truth, however, there is no cycle of violence. There is no spiral of attack and counter-attack relentlessly unfolding here.
What we have, rather, on the one hand, is a sovereign nation’s desperate effort to live in its homeland, seek peace with those of its neighbors who will partner it, and defend itself against those who seek its destruction. And, on the other, we have the forces of militant Islam, firing rockets across Israel’s sovereign borders, murdering Israelis wherever they can be found vulnerable, indoctrinating their people with a vicious intolerance of Jewish historical rights in this region, and simultaneously spreading a perverted interpretation of Islam that purports to require each and every believer to carry out personal jihad in the name of God against the infidels – be they Jews, Christians or unbelieving Muslims.
Some sample responses from readers:
Eve Cameron
4:15 pm
Mar 15, 2011
I am beginning to think that our nation is filled with the brain dead! How can this be happening? There are no words….
Well-loved. Agree or Disagree: Thumb up 28 Thumb down 0
4:16 pm
Mar 15, 2011
Excuses, excuses. The only thing that would appease these Moslem lunatics would be for all the Jews to go away. I don’t think they hate us as much as they hate themselves and are jealous because we are a “life gives you lemons, then make lemonade” people. No matter what, there is no excuse to stab an innocent family because someone doesn’t want them there. In terms of illegal settlements, forget about it. The land was won in a war. The Palestinians shouldn’t have waged the war if they weren’t willing to suffer the consequences. And the consequences are more land for the Jews and for Israel. Because I like the idea of expansion so much, I am going to buy more Israeli Bonds or donate to the country.
If a Jewish person did this, the international and LA Times condemnation would be crazy, and anyone who thinks otherwise is a hypocrite.
Well-loved. Agree or Disagree: Thumb up 26 Thumb down 0
4:17 pm
Mar 15, 2011
So according to the LA Times, if a woman is attractive, and she looks beautiful, she is asking to be raped? If a child is sweet and innocent, they are asking to be molested? It is the victims fault?
Well-loved. Agree or Disagree: Thumb up 22 Thumb down 1
Jeff Broude
4:22 pm
Mar 15, 2011
What unadulterated crap.
Through thousands of years of unacceptable persecution at the hands of all the non- Jews of this world, never once did the Jewish People ever even contemplate this sort of barbaric murder.
Even in Africa the oppressed don’t do this, and there are millions of them.
What unashamed evil to just blame it on cycles.
What we do see is evil oppressors doing this.
Bingo the Arabs are ergo evil oppressors.
Check out what they do to their own people.
Bombing civilians and more.
Creating a refugee/palastinian problem, for what ? No not for state hood.
They never had one ever.
The never wanted one while they were trying to murder the Jewish State with a regular army.
They failed, and then used the palestinian lie( check out arab archives).
That explains why from 1948 to 1967 the occupied land of Israel (Judea and Shomron) by Jordan and Egypt was never given state hood to the so called palestinians, or even mentioned. Because they did not exist.
what evil.
They have 22 States and Jordan is basically Palestine.
No it is the cruel evil plan to oppress the Jewish people, while tying their hands behind their backs.
So the great Arabs oppress and torture their own in order to achieve their greed and cynically create abject poverty in an oppressed and demented bunch of people in the hope of oppressing and murdering the Jewish People.
Just sick, and even more sick to see the western liberals go with it.
What evil.
Not so original as that is what the non-Jewish anti-semites did for thousands of years.
And the civilised world. what are they doing. Winging about Toilets being built in Israel.
What crap.
Well-loved. Agree or Disagree: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 0
4:31 pm
Mar 15, 2011
The palistineans do not want peace they want death and martyrdom.
They have never negotiated in good faith and never will.
They hate the jews more then they love there children
I am sick of there nonsense.
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