Monday, March 21, 2011

A missed opportunity for the EU


For the Tundra Tabloids, Jews living in Judea and Samaria are not the problem, those Arabs who refuse their Jewish neighbors the right to live side by side with them, are the problem. KGS

H/T: Tomas Sandell

NOTE: The TT has said it a thousand times,* for the majority of European politicians, a Jew who builds a home or has a trailer in his/her native ancestral homeland is considered a war crime and an obstacle to peace, but an Arab terrorist who murders a Jew(s) is not a war crime and such an act, no matter how vile and outrageous, can never be allowed to become an obstacle to peace. That’s how these immoral morons think.

The European Union and its institutions in Brussels issued a record number of press statements last Monday. But not one was on the brutal murders in Itamar.
The European Union and its institutions in Brussels issued a record number of press statements on March 14. Still, there was no mention of the brutal murder of five members of an Israeli family in Itamar.

Should we be surprised? Hardly. The European Parliament is more likely to call an emergency session if a Jewish settler family builds a new home than if a Jewish settler family has been brutally killed, as was the case last week. This is not necessarily out of pure ignorance but, even worse, it may even be logical. According to the EU foreign policy establishment,settlements are obstacles to peace.

Now the UN Security Council has taken this matter one step further and declared that “Jewish settlements are in breach of international law,” and as a consequence, one may add, settlers are criminals.


Perhaps it is in this context that we should understand the ice-cold silence from the international community in the aftermath of the Fogel family members’ murder. It was not just any family. In the eyes of the cynical western elite, they were simply settlers, obstacles to peace.

The current deadlock in peace negotiations is troublesome.

But it is hardly the settlements which pose the problem. Never before have settlements prevented a Palestinian delegation from coming to the negotiating table to discuss, agree and disagree. So why now? Perhaps the Palestinians are smarter than their counterparts.

By refusing to negotiate, they know that, at the end of the day, the Israelis will be blamed for the failure and forced to make concessions. And even if there are no results, they are still promised a state. So why bother with negotiations and risk losing support from a radicalized constituency which is witnessing political Islam strengthen its base in the whole Arab world? WHICH BRINGS us back to Itamar. Perhaps Itamar was that defining moment when a terrorist could commit the most brutal of murders and not cause any major reactions outside Israel. If this act of barbarism doesn’t wake up the world, what will? The Middle East and the Arab world are at a critical juncture, when every move and decision is being analyzed.

Read more here

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