Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Hate on the American Campus

Jamie Glazov

FP: Shari Goodman, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

I would like to talk to you today about a petition you created that seeks to take some action against the Muslim Student Association and its teachings of hate at UCLA. Tell us about it.

Goodman: Recently the Muslim Student Association sponsored an Islamic Conference attended by about 700 students. Two of the invited guests were radical Imams. One was Imam Amir Abdel Malik, an affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood, who urged the attendees to die for the establishment of Islam. The following Muslim Brotherhood pledge was recited at the end of the two day event:

“I Pledge: Allah is my lord, Quran is my guide, Jihad is my spirit, righteousness is my character, and paradise is my goal. For I command what is right and forbid what is wrong. I will fight against oppression and will die to establish Islam.”

In response to that event, our chapter decided it was time to take a stand; thus, our petition was created. We seek to ban any group that advocates the overriding of our laws and our government. We are hoping to gather at least 1000 signatures before we mail it to the Chancellor at UCLA. One can sign the petition by going online to:
FP: How many Muslim Student Association chapters are there?

Goodman: There are over 1000 university and high school MSA chapters across the country.

FP: Aside from signing the petition what can the public do to remove seditious groups from our university campuses?

Goodman: Ultimately pressure must be put forth on University Chancellors who have allowed their campuses to be used as a propaganda tool to further an Islamic agenda under the guise of free speech. The effort to supplant our Constitutional Republic with Islam and Sharia is an exercise in sedition. Years ago, we actually charged people with seditious behavior, but since the Vietnam War our government has looked the other way. President Franklin Roosevelt actually enacted the Smith ACT of 1940 which made it illegal to advocate for the overthrow of our government.

FP: Tell us about ACT’s mission.

Goodman: We are a local chapter of ACT! For America, a non-profit citizen grass roots organization dedicated to promoting public policies that protect our national security as well as defend traditional American values against an assault of radical Islam.

FP: Are you receiving any help from the Jewish community?

Goodman: No, we are not. The Los Angeles Jewish Journal did not even want to cover a story about the petition. One free lance reporter tried to pitch the story to them, but he reported back that the content was not Jewish enough for them.

FP: Has the ADL or the Simon Wiesenthal Center gotten involved?
Goodman: I have not heard from the Simon Wiesenthal Center and it appears the ADL is still busy searching for white supremicists in white hoods rather than admit that the main threat to Jews stems from rabid anti-semitism rampant throughout the Muslim world.

FP: Are you succeeding in awakening the American public?

Goodman: I believe that Americans are slowly waking up to the stealth Jihad that is being waged upon us. We began our chapter nearly two years ago with seven people and we now have a membership close to 500. Our national organization has grown to nearly 450 chapters with 150,000 members. As we continue to grow, the larger our impact on Capitol Hill.

FP: How can people get in touch with you and your organization?

Goodman: Our national website is and you can reach our local chapter at

FP: What other projects has ACT undertaken?

Goodman: Our national organization has a STOP SHARIA FINANCING campaign on our national website. Islamists have infiltrated many of our institutions with demands for Sharia compliance and many have complied; thus, money is being funneled to Islamic charities which then end up in the hands of Hamas and Hezbollah.

FP: What challenges does your organization face?
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The Muslim Brotherhood’s Hate on the American Campus

Jamie Glazov Posted by Jamie Glazov on Mar 2nd, 2011 and filed under Daily Mailer, FrontPage. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
Jamie Glazov is Frontpage Magazine's editor. He holds a Ph.D. in History with a specialty in Russian, U.S. and Canadian foreign policy. He is the author of the critically acclaimed and best-selling, United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror. His new book is Showdown With Evil. He can be reached at
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Goodman: I have not heard from the Simon Wiesenthal Center and it appears the ADL is still busy searching for white supremicists in white hoods rather than admit that the main threat to Jews stems from rabid anti-semitism rampant throughout the Muslim world.

FP: Are you succeeding in awakening the American public?

Goodman: I believe that Americans are slowly waking up to the stealth Jihad that is being waged upon us. We began our chapter nearly two years ago with seven people and we now have a membership close to 500. Our national organization has grown to nearly 450 chapters with 150,000 members. As we continue to grow, the larger our impact on Capitol Hill.

FP: How can people get in touch with you and your organization?

Goodman: Our national website is and you can reach our local chapter at

FP: What other projects has ACT undertaken?

Goodman: Our national organization has a STOP SHARIA FINANCING campaign on our national website. Islamists have infiltrated many of our institutions with demands for Sharia compliance and many have complied; thus, money is being funneled to Islamic charities which then end up in the hands of Hamas and Hezbollah.

FP: What challenges does your organization face?

Goodman: I would say the biggest challenge is that we have to rely on word of mouth and the internet to get our message across. In the politically correct mainstream media we are either a liability (Islamic lawfare) or they fear being a target of Islamic terrorism.

Just look at cartoonist Molly Norris who had to go into hiding after she advocated a “Draw Mohammad Day”. Unfortunately, the threat of physical harm to those of us who speak out is paving our march toward Dhimmitude as we refrain from criticizing Islam. For those who are not familiar with the term, Dhimmitude is an Islamic word for secondary class citizenship for non-believers.

FP: What do you view as the most significant obstacle we must overcome?

Goodman: We need to rid ourselves of the belief that all cultures are equal. It is a foolish indoctrination that has stripped us of our national identity and without a national identity we are adrift and quite susceptible to a stealth Jihad that seeks to replace our values and way of life with Islamic doctrine.

FP: Shari Goodman thank you for joining us. For all of our readers who are interested in Ms. Goodman’s petition against the MSA at UCLA, click here to find out more about it.

Meanwhile, we welcome all of our readers to support another campaign that is fighting jihad on our American campuses: the Freedom Center’s spring Islamo-Fascism Awareness Campaign that is doing its best to expose and block Islamic extremists’ genocidal intentions and their campaign of lies during the genocidal Anti-Israel Apartheid Week. As the centerpiece of the Freedom Center’s counter-protest, student groups will confront the “apartheid walls” with our center’s “Wall of Lies,” which is composed of the anti-Israel lies Palestinians promulgate with the intention of destroying the Jewish State.

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