Wednesday, March 16, 2011

PA Continues to Incite while Abbas Denies It

Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas conquered mainstream media Monday with a forceful condemnation of the Itamar massacre, and he denied that the PA incites – despite facts to the contrary.

Following a weak and conditional condemnation of the barbaric stabbing of five members of the Fogel family Friday night, Abbas supplied the goods for media and foreign leaders wanting to hear a strong statement.

Granted a forum by Voice of Israel government radio on its Arabic channel, he also denied that incitement against Israel emanates from the Palestinian Authority, two days after one of his advisers delivered a speech in which he emphasized that Palestinian weapons must be turned towards Israel. bbas, who last summer eulogized the mastermind of the Munich Olympics massacre, offered a creative escape from accusations of incitement by suggesting a joint Israeli-PA committee to decide what qualifies as incitement.

His condemnation of the slaughter of the five members of the Fogel family in Itamar Friday night followed strong calls from U.S. President Obama for a thorough rejection of the terrorist attack. Abbas complied: “A human being is not capable of carrying out such an act,” he told Voice of Israel government radio, most of whose reporters for years have covertly promoted a policy against a Jewish presence in most of Judea and Samaria.

After the Itamar terrorist attack was reported, one of its newscasters tried to pin the blame on Itamar’s own civilian security forces.

Between the lines of Abbas comments and among his promises that he will prevent a new Intifada in the near future, Abbas played both sides of the street concerning a new violent uprising against Israel.

“I do not expect a new wave of attacks against Israel in the near future,” he said. But moments later, he warned, “There is a mood of disappointment in the Palestinian Authority and frustration in the streets,” and they are liable to blow up in half a year if there is no agreement with Israel or if U.S. President Barack Obama does not agree to a United Nations declaration recognizing the Palestinian Authority according to the 1949 Armistice Lines.

In the interview Monday in which Abbas denied charges of incitement in mosques and the school system, no one questioned him about the Palestinian Authority’s official honoring of terrorists and “martyrs,” or the anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic messages regularly heard in both the private and official media, in mosque sermons, and in school textbooks.

Eight days ago, the PA's official newspaper, Al Hayat Al-Jadida, published an item to the effect that the management of a youth club in Ramallah planned to hold a soccer tournament in memory of a suicide bomber.

Last Wednesday, the official Palestinian television station broadcast a clip from a campaign entitled "Women as Exemplars", during which Coastal Road terrorist Dalal Mughrabi was extolled. Last summer, several children's summer camps were named after her.

The Arab Governor of Jenin two months ago issued a grant worth $2,000 to the family of a terrorist, Khaldoun Samoudi, who was killed while trying to detonate two bombs against IDF soldiers at a checkpoint in the Jordan Valley

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