Sunday, April 03, 2011

Is Goldstone Hanging Himself?

My Right Word

This is as far as Richard Goldstone goes in describing a stupid report he authored:

The allegations of intentionality by Israel were based on the deaths of and injuries to civilians in situations where our fact-finding mission had no evidence on which to draw any other reasonable conclusion. While the investigations published by the Israeli military and recognized in the U.N. committee’s report have established the validity of some incidents that we investigated in cases involving individual soldiers, they also indicate that civilians were not intentionally targeted as a matter of policy.

Isn't he lucky no one will sentenced him to hanging (unlike the Blacks he sentenced to the gallows when a South African judge)? P.S.

Melanie Phillips writes:

By his own admission, the man stands revealed as at best an abject idiot and at worst a moral and judicial bankrupt...The UN should now declare the Goldstone report null and void. Any less will make it knowingly and demonstrably party to a travesty of justice.

But of course, like all previous blood libels against the Jews, the poison this one has injected into the global bloodstream has no antidote. The damage is done – and no amount of self-serving recantations by Richard Goldstone will undo the terrible harm he has done.

and much more.

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