"Human rights activist" and "peace campaigner" were some of the chief words of praise thrown at Vittorio Arrigoni, a pro-Nazi activist in the "International Solidarity Movement" that campaigns to help our generation's Nazis to kill Jews. Yesterday, Thursday, 14 April 2011, Arrigoni was kidnapped in Gaza by a jihadist gang called at-Tawhid wa'l-Jihad. In the usual brutal relations between rival jihad gangs, the Hamas, currently ruling in Gaza had arrested some of the groups leaders and militants and it kidnapped Arrigoni --a supporter of Hamas-- threatening to kill him if its comrades were not released by 5 pm, today, Friday, 15 April 2011. As is consistent with typical jihadi behavior, Arrigoni was executed many hours before the group's own deadline had passed. Hamas operatives ["policemen"?] found him murdered overnight. He had been strangled with a metal cable. All this may serve to depict Hamas as a "moderate" gang contrasted with the barbarians of at-Tawhid wa'l-Jihad. Hamas of course refuses any peace with Israel and preaches the mass murder of Jews at the End of Days, although Hamas is willing to compromise its own principles and murder en masse even before then, as it has done. Hamas' genocidal vision is contained in its charter, especially Article 7, which concludes with a medieval Muslim fable of how at Judgment Day Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, hiding from the Muslims. The rocks and trees will cry out, according to this fable, O Muslim, O Slave of Allah, a Jew is hiding behind me. Come kill him.
But what is more important now is to expose just how vicious, how contemptuous of human rights and peace Arrigoni was. Here is one of his own blog posts:
"Michele Alliot-Marie, French foreign minister, expressed her solidarity yesterday --during a press conference in Israel-- with the soldier Gilad Shalit, the only Israeli prisoner in Palestinian hands.
"Despite the French minister knowing very well that Shalit was taken prisoner during an Israeli attack on the border of Gaza (and therefore is a prisoner of war), insofar as she appeared yesterday with the soldier's parents at her side, she spoke of a "war crime" to be imputed to the Palestinians of the Strip. She passed in silence over the clear and real Israeli crimes every day in Gaza.
"By virtue of these statements of hers and her silence in view of the tragedy of occupied Palestine, Michele Alliot-Marie met a deserved reception on the part of relatives of thousands of Palestinian political prisoners (many of them women and children) illegally held captive and tortured every day in Israeli jails."
Michele Alliot-Marie, ministro degli Esteri francese, ieri in Israele durante una conferenza stampa ha espresso la sua solidarietà al soldato Gilad Shalit, unico prigioniero israeliano in mano ai palestinesi.
Nonostante il ministro francese sappia benissimo che Shalit è stato fatto prigioniero durante un attacco israeliano al confine di Gaza (e quindi è un prigioniero di guerra), a quanto pare ieri con di fianco i genitori del soldato ha parlato di “crimine di guerra” imputabile ai palestinesi della Striscia. Tacendo sui palesi e reali crimini israeliani ogni giorno a Gaza.[here in Italian]
In virtù di queste sue dichiarazioni e al suo silenzio dinnanzi al dramma della Palestina occupata, oggi passando il valico di Erez ed entrando nella Striscia, Michele Alliot-Marie ha trovato la meritata accoglienza da parte dei parenti delle migliaia di prigionieri politici palestinesi ( molte le donne e i bambini) rinchiusi illegalmente e torturati ogni giorno nelle carceri israeliane.[qui]
There are several lies here, one of which Arrigoni contradicted in another one of his blog posts. That is, the lie that Shalit was taken prisoner during an Israeli attack on the border of Gaza. In the other post, he boasts that Shalit was taken prisoner by a "Palestinian commando squad." This indicates that he knew that the event was initiated by the Arab side. This is because commando squads operate behind enemy lines, in this case, behind Israel's lines. Hence, Arrigoni was consciously lying. The other post also includes gems like "the ongoing genocide in Gaza." [here]. Those who really want to wallow in this pig's muck can go to the other post. It's in Italian but the google translation isn't too bad [bad, but clear enough if you read it carefully]. He writes there that mayors of cities that showed solidarity with Shalit [held incomunicado in Gaza for almost six years without ICRC (Red Cross) visits] by turning off the lights in such places as the Colosseum in Rome, etc., as well as the local Jewish communities are "accomplices in Israel's war crimes."
Was he useful to Hamas? His Gaza kidnappers wanted to trade him for some of their members held by Hamas. In other words, the "militants" who killed him knew that this ISM activist was a valuable asset to Hamas.
On the other hand, maybe the Hamas put the other group up to kidnapping Arrigoni so that the Hamas himself could appear more "moderate" by comparison. The first explanation is probably the correct one. But he is clearly an enemy of Jews and Jews' human rights, the rights of Gilad Shalit in particular. A commenter on his blog made that clear, disputing some of the lies:
[first the commenter posted the wiki link in English to the Shalit page] "Really, things happened differently: Some Hamas militants crossed the border and kidnapped him.
"If he is a prisoner of war, then he has the right to be visited by the IRC [international red cross], something that Hamas refuses to allow."
Here is the commenter's comment in the original:
"Veramente le cose sono andate diversamente: dei militanti di Hamas hanno attraversato la frontiera e lo hanno rapito.
"Se è un prigioniero di guerra, allora ha diritto ad essere visitato dalla CRI, cosa che Hamas rifiuta di permettere."
He also showed a most decidedly non-peaceful, non-pacifistic attitude to the Egyptian blogger Maikel Nabil Sanad who refused induction into the Egyptian army since he did not want to fight Israel. On his twitter, Arrigoni called Sanad a traitor. Sanad has been in jail for several days now, supposedly for insulting the Egyptian army. Arrigoni stood in solidarity with the Egyptian army by calling Sanad a "traitor."
Here's the Twitter page:
"No habibi you're not a spy, you're a traitor. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3974091,00.html http://fb.me/T9fjo7MC 6:20 PM Apr 12th via Facebook
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