Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hamas-linked CAIR to Christie: Well done, good and faithful servant

Jihad Watch

Hamas-linked CAIR thanks its stooge.

Sohail Mohammed was the attorney for Mohammed Qatanani, as I explained here: "Christie knows, according to terrorism expert Steve Emerson, all about Mohammed Qatanani’s unsavory ties: 'I know for certain that Christie and the FBI special agent in charge had access to information about Qatanani’s background, involvement with and support of Hamas.' Yet even as he knew this, Christie called Qatanani 'a man of great good will' and 'a constructive force'—and defended Qatanani from Department of Homeland Security attempts to deport him. Emerson rightly called this 'a disgrace and an act of pure political corruption.'” Is Qatanani entitled to legal representation? Of course. Should Sohail Mohammed's taking of the case stigmatize him as sympathetic with Qatanani's pro-jihad views and ties to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood? Certainly not. But when Christie praises Qatanani as a "constructive force" and fights his deportation despite knowing of his membership in a jihad terror group (Hamas) and the Islamic supremacist group par excellence (the Muslim Brotherhood), and then appoints his lawyer to a judgeship, it becomes clear what is going on here.

And Hamas-linked CAIR can see it, too.

"CAIR thanks NJ governor for defending Muslim judge," from The Nation (Pakistan), August 9 (thanks to Twostellas):

NEW YORK - The Council on American-Islamic Relations Monday thanked New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for his strong and rigorous defence of newly-confirmed Superior Court Judge Sohail Mohammed, a Muslim about whom conservatives raised doubts that he would implement Sharia law.

Prior to the recent swearing-in ceremony, Governor Christie, a Republican, publicly characterized his judicial nominee as an "extraordinary American," an "outstanding attorney," and an "outstanding human being," emphasizing the "integral role" Mohammed, who is of Indian origin, played in the post-September 11th period in building bridges between American Muslim community leaders and law enforcement authorities.

"We applaud Governor Christie for shining a spotlight on the tremendous contributions of Judge Sohail Mohammed," said CAIR's Executive Director for New Jersey James Yee. "Governor Christie's praise highlights the commitment of American Muslims to building a better society. We hope the governor's comments will help stem the rising tide of Islamophobia in our society and help unify our nation."

Re Yee's "rising tide of Islamophobia":

Anti-Jewish attacks 70% of hate crimes, anti-Muslim attacks 9% of hate crimes -- Senate to hold hearings on "anti-Muslim bigotry"

Just-released New York 2009 report: Hate crimes against Jews: 251. Hate crimes against Muslims: 11.

Backlash! Anti-Muslim hate crimes only eight percent of hate crimes, far less than those against Jews

James Yee, by the way, is the former Muslim chaplain at Guantanamo who was arrested on suspicion of espionage and ultimately cleared in a very strange case. At the time he was cleared in 2004, Maj. Gen. Geoffrey D. Miller, commander of Joint Task Force Guantanamo, said that the case couldn't proceed against Yee because there were "national security concerns that would arise from the release of the evidence."

Hardly a ringing affirmation of his innocence; nevertheless, Yee joined Hamas-linked CAIR and has been playing the I-Was-A-Victim-of-Islamophobia game ever since. But maybe the whole episode gave him a taste for spying, as a few months ago he tried repeatedly to join our SIOA Facebook group (join now here). I didn't let him in, although I'm sure that the Islamization of America is indeed one of his chief concerns.

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