Monday, August 22, 2011

A Palestinian state would hasten the end of Israel


This statement comes to me from an Indian correspondent of mine who warns against a Palestinian state

There is a parallel here with the PAKISTAN RESOLUTON of 23 March, 1940, passed at LAHORE (then in India, now in Pakistan).

The Muslim delegates declared themselves as the SECOND NATION within India that rejected Secularism and rejected the idea of living in a State with Hindu majority. The “bas*ards” have never any objection, though, in forcing the NON MUSLIMS to live in a Muslim majority State!

Hindu leaders did not KILL the “enemies” then and there. The result?

That Resolution lay unchallenged and its poisonous tree only grew and grew till in the end the MUSLIMS had their way when Britain agreed to PARTITION spineless secular India and give the Muslims their ISLAMIC Pakistan.

Then what happened in Pakistan? Despite the promises of TOLERANCE towards the Non Muslims, immediately the MASSACRES started across Pakistan and the Non Muslims fled in all directions to save their lives. About TWO MILLION were KILLED and over 15 million were forced out of their homes. Thousands of girls and women were raped. It was truly the ISLAMIC practise of breaking their solemn pledges. Only a fool will trust even one word spoken by the followers of MOHAMMED of MECCA.

Israel must not sleep but immediately and categorically WARN the UNO that if they agree to a separate Palestinian State then Israel will invade that POISONOUS state and put an end to it, i.e., NIP THE ISLAMIC EVIL IN THE BUD. Please quote the example of “birth of Islamic Pakistan” that EXTERMINATED the non Muslims within weeks.

The Hindus in Pakistan have yet to see the UNO to ensure their safety in that ISLAMIC republic.

The new Palestinian State will mean the beginning of the end of ISRAEL.

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