Wednesday, December 05, 2012

To: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,

It is very difficult to read that Israel is always acting defensively; Jews still explaining themselves.
To whom and why? From whom do we expect understanding? From people who have hated us and still do for over 2000 years? Who have caused us so much harm and killed millions of us?
The Jewish Journal president David Suissa is right when he wrote: Israel's U.N. Blunder -, the Arab-Palestinian goal was never to help the peace process. It was to isolate Israel on the international stage and continue undermining it. And on that, they won big, VERY BIG!

The so called politically correct addressed as "moderate" Arab-Palestinians, such as the Palestinian Authority, do not just attack Israel with words. They violently incite against Israel and Jews and the results are nonstop Arabs' crimes against Jews wherever they can perpetrate these crimes.
I am a concerned Jew. I see Israel struggle and it does not end. No matter what Israel does, she ends up on the wrong side of world opinion.
A new paradigm and new thought process must be adopted. We must go on the attack not remain on the defense. What we have done thus far simply does not work for us.
Mr. Netanyahu you have always had the Jewish people's support. The problem is you, within your own self.
We have children to babysit and up-bring; from you Mr. Netanyahu we expect resolve, strength, maturity and total truth.
I now reserve my opinion about all your decisions in reply to the UN upgrade of the PA. I and many others approve and support these action and we will see what will transpire after election day. We hope you will not let us down and change your mind as you have, regrettably, done so in the past.
In the mmeantime, your attention, and all of us attention, must be directed to the east, Iran, and not the pressures of countries trying to be liked by and obtain favors from the Muslim world that we all know all too well.
Nurit Greenger, Los Angeles, California | December 4, 2012

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