Thursday, March 07, 2013

State Dept has “ramped up” programs to bring Muslim students to US

That’s a roundabout way of saying they are importing Muslims to the U.S. via US aims to engage Muslim world via higher education | h/t halalporkshop
The idea of “education diplomacy” has “really arrived” at the highest levels of American foreign policy, a US State Department official has told an international higher education conference.
Meghann Curtis, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Academic Programs at the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, said that the bureau had always been driven by the notion that “we’d be a more stable, peaceful and prosperous world if we could all get to know one another”. But she said that the issue had recently become “incredibly important”.
Engagement with the Middle East and North Africa, and other Muslim-majority countries, was a top priority to address a “big deficit” in mutual understanding, she said in a round-table session, “The importance of academic exchange in foreign affairs” at the Association of International Education Administrators annual conference in New Orleans.

“I was having a conversation with folks at the White House, in the policy shop over there, and this idea of education diplomacy has really arrived,” she said.
She also said programmes to bring students and scholars from Muslim-majority countries into the US had been “ramped up”.
Educational diplomacy, plunder, taxation for Islamization, creeping sharia…call it whatever you want. It does nothing for American citizens who are being robbed by corrupt politicians and social engineers. No mention on how much this is costing taxpayers.
Also recall that Obama ended restrictions on Saudis entering U.S., 60% increase since 2010 and the State Dept is Recruiting Muslim Foreign Service Officers at Jihadist Conferences.
Get the hint?

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