Muslim activists and their apologists usually commemorate Ramadan by
demanding that some American military operation be put on hold because
killing Muslim terrorists during Ramadan is offensive to Muslims.
But of course Muslim are allowed to wage war during Ramadan against the infidels. Not only are they allowed to, they are obligated to because killing infidels is about the only thing that truly matters in Islam. And according to the Muslim Brotherhood, anyone who opposes it is an infidel.
Neat, isn’t it.
But of course Muslim are allowed to wage war during Ramadan against the infidels. Not only are they allowed to, they are obligated to because killing infidels is about the only thing that truly matters in Islam. And according to the Muslim Brotherhood, anyone who opposes it is an infidel.
Neat, isn’t it.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s spiritual leader ruled on Monday that protesters against the ouster of President Mohammed Morsi may break the fast of Ramadan, since they were in a “state of jihad” and would soon wage a battle for control of Egypt.
In a series of tweets, Mohammed Badie compared the struggle against the June 30 military coup, centered around a sit-in at Cairo’s Rabia al-Adawiya Mosque, to the Battle of Badr, a decisive battle waged between the Prophet Muhammad and his adversaries from the tribe of Quraish in the year 624.Apparently he sticks to inciting violence on Twitter.
“The ruling against those who leave Rabia al-Adawiya Square is akin to the ruling against those who flee the battle and jihad against the infidels,” wrote Badie on Sunday. A meeting between Badie and a number of Muslim Brotherhood officials led to a decision to prepare for “the second Battle of Badr” on the battle’s anniversary, 17 Ramadan (July 26), he added.
Muslim tradition holds that the followers of Islam suspended their Ramadan fast during the Battle of Badr to be combat ready.
On Saturday, Algerian daily En-Nahar Al-Jadid reported that Badie announced the coming of a “Free Egyptian Army” to fight Morsi’s ouster, a statement denied as “utterly false” by the Muslim Brotherhood website late Sunday night, claiming that Badie never commented to “an Egyptian or non-Egyptian newspaper.”
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