Sunday, December 16, 2007

Al Dura Fall 2007 Chronology

September - October 2007

Sept 6 - Petition Established to ask France 2 to release 27 minutes of video

Sept 17 - Israel Defense (IDF) demands uncut al-Dura tape - Jerusalem Post

Sept 19 French Court - Asks France 2 to produce Videos

* Pajamas Media -
* Associated Press - Haaretz

October 1 Israel Officially Declares Al Dura Footage Staged November 2007

Run up to the November 14 Court Viewing of Video - France 2 Producer (Enderlin) to Submit Video to France Court that is 9 minutes shorter than France 2 Cameraman’s (Abu Rahma) Oct 2000 Raw Version

* (Oct 2000) Sworn Statement by Cameraman that raw video was 27 minutes
* Enderlin Previews 18 Minute Video to Haaretz Reporter - November 8 Article :Haartz Reporter Claims Enderlin showed him 18 minute video (two weeks prior) that will be sent to French court.
* November 8 France 2 Reporter Enderlin Confirms to BBC - he will submit 18 min. of "unedited footage filmed that day" to court

November 14 - France Appellate Court to Views The Video

The Petition

The Petition Link - sign, view signatures, comment (created by Augean Stable)

Petition - Overview (from Augean Stables)

The September 2006 Trial

Al-Dura Trial - Part One - Pre Trial Coverage (Pajamas Media - Nidra Poller)

Al- Dura Trial Part Two - (Pajamas Media - Nidra Poller)

Al-Dura Trial - Part Three - (Pajamas Media - Nidra Poller)

Al-Dura The Verdict - Part Four - (Pajamas Media - Nidra Poller)

Enderlin vs. Karsenty Decision - English Translation (Augean Stables)

Al-Dura Trail - from Trial Witness - Richard Landes

Roundup of sites covering the Sept 2006 Al Dura Trial (Pajamas Media)

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