Sunday, December 16, 2007

There is no duty to accept peace on Arab terms.

Ted Belman

Salon recently published a review by Gregory Levey, of the efforts of the Coordinating Council on Jerusalem under the title, The right wing’s Jerusalem gambit and sub-titled,

A new coalition of religious hard-liners with ties to President Bush seeks to scuttle any plans for dividing Jerusalem between Israelis and Palestinians. I was very much involved in the activities of the CCJ and can attest that this review was accurate but Levey made gratuitous remarks that I thought showed a shallow understanding of the process.

That a successful peace deal would necessitate some sharing of Jerusalem is at this point essentially a given in the eyes of most political leaders.

While this is undoubtedly true, he argues

The new coalition of religious groups seeks to use the incendiary Jerusalem question to scuttle any of the progress promised by Annapolis.

The issue of Jerusalem is an issue in and of itself. It isn’t an issue for an ulterior purpose as suggested, though many of us , me included will oppose any peace process that is intended to end in the Saudi Plan.

He accuses the CCJ of having the “strength and potential to be a real obstacle to peace in the year to come.” as if there was any chance of this happening and ends with,

The Annapolis conference may have been a start, but it has also unleashed a zealotry on U.S. shores that may once again help demonstrate how nearly impossible achieving Middle East peace could really be.

Not one word about New PA Law: Negotiating Jerusalem is an Act of Treason which makes it a capital crime to even discuss Jerusalem.

This is the blindness of the left. It demands Israel make peace on Arab terms without regard for whether the “peace” will be reliable or fair or respectful of Israel's rights. Rightwingers otherwise know as zealots, are not allowed to negotiate for what they consider theirs. Rightwingers do not reject peace. They just reject faux peace on Arab terms.

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