Saturday, December 15, 2007

Al-Qaeda slams Annapolis summit as betrayal of Palestinians

Al-Qaeda's second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahri, denounced last month's Mideast peace conference in the United States as a ''betrayal'' of Palestinians in a new audiotape posted Friday on an Islamic militant Web site. The posting was the first reaction by the terror network to the Mideast conference, sponsored by US President George W. Bush and attended by key Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia, Syria and Egypt, as well as Palestinian and Israeli leaders.

The conference relaunched Palestinian-Israeli peace talks after a seven year hiatus - a key breakthrough in the region's core conflict.

''The Annapolis meeting was held to turn Palestine into a Jewish state,'' the voice, purported to be that of al-Zawahri, said in the 20-minute posting that carried a still photo of the white-turbaned militant against a backdrop photograph from the Maryland conference.

''The czar of Washington invited 16 Arab countries ... to sit in one room, at one table with the Israelis,'' al-Zawahri said, adding that the conference ''witnessed the betrayal deals to sell Palestine.''

The authenticity of Friday's posting could not be independently confirmed, but it appeared on a Web site commonly used by militants.

Al-Zawahri mainly addressed Arabs, urging them to condemn the Annapolis conference and label PA President Mahmoud Abbas as ''the traitor,'' adding that the Palestinian president ''sold you out in Annapolis and in its aftermath.''

It's time now, he said, for the Muslims to ''extent hands to other jihad brothers."

''My brothers in Palestine, we, all Muslims, the Mujahedeen are by your side, in your confrontation with

the Zionist enemy,'' al-Zawahri said. ''We will not let you down even if your politicians do.''

'Egyptian Bedouins must rise against Mubarak'

The second part of the audio focused on key US ally Egypt, with al-Zawahri criticizing imprisoned Islamic militants who after years in Egyptian jails turned back on their militant stance, even calling, according to al-Zawahri, for bin-Laden's arrest.

''Those revisionists are in fact calling for a new American religion that violates God's rules,'' he said.

A top jailed Jihad leader, Sayed Imam, last month announced his ''Revisions'' - a recanting of his past calls for the use of force to overthrow Arab governments seen by militants as infidel.

Egypt is hoping the ''Revisions'' will diminish support for militancy but al-Qaeda leaders have dismissed similar past recantations as forced on imprisoned militants.

''I am addressing the Muslim nation in Egypt in particular: where is your role in confronting aggression on Islam and Muslims?'' al-Zawahri said. ''Stand up and ... be aware of the poisons of weakness and submission which the traitor regime is trying to inject into you through the tongues of the revisionists.''

He called on Egyptian soldiers and also Bedouin tribes in Egypt's Sinai peninsula to rise against the rule

of President Hosni Mubarak.

Al-Zawahri - seen by many counterterrorism experts to be al-Qaeda's operational chief, rather than bin Laden - is believed to play a large role in directing al-Qaeda's strategy on the ground and issues frequent videos an audiotapes, often laying out the network's doctrinal line.

In most recent postings, al-Zawahri sought to galvanize fighters from North Africa to Afghanistan in a September video. In an audiotape in July, he threatened to retaliate against Britain for having honored novelist Salman Rushdie and railed against Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is a strange show out of the UK. Non Muslims try to live like Muslims for three weeks. They call the show "Make me a Muslim"

It was on Channel Four

Here are the episodes as you can get them on youtube.

Episode 1 Part 1 of 5

Episode 1 Part 2 of 5

Episode 1 Part 3 of 5

Episode 1 Part 4 of 5

Episode 1 Part 5 of 5

Episode 2 Part 1 of 5

Episode 2 Part 2 of 5

Episode 2 Part 3 of 5

Episode 2 Part 4 of 5

Episode 2 Part 5 of 5

Episode 3 Part 1 of 5

Episode 3 Part 2 of 5

Episode 3 Part 3 of 5

Episode 3 Part 4 of 5

Episode 3 Part 5 of 5