Saturday, December 15, 2007

Did you know...?

UN General Assembly calls on Israel to pull out from Golan to June 4, 67 lines The United Nations General Assembly adopted on Monday a resolution entitled Syrian Golan, which calls on Israel to pull out of the occupied territory up to the June 4, 1967 lines.

In its resolution, the Assembly reiterated the basic principle of not seizing lands by the use of force according to the UN charter, the international law and the Geneva Convention. ‏

The UN Assembly condemned Israels non-abidance by the Security Councils Resolution 497 of 1981 which considers the Israeli decision to impose own laws on the Golan null and void. ‏

The Assembly also called on Israel to cancel its arbitrary decision. It stressed that the Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan and its annexation to the State of Israel constitute a stumbling block in the path of establishing a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East region. ‏

During the General Assemblys discussion of conditions in the region, a number of delegations condemned Israels practices in the Syrian Golan and called for total withdrawal from it. ‏

In their statements the delegations praised Syrias participation in the recent Annapolis meetings, stressing that the ME peace process will not succeed unless the Syrian and Lebanese tracks are included and Israels occupation of the Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese territories is terminated. ‏

Syrias Representative at the UN in Geneva Faisal al-Hamwi has reiterated the importance of ending foreign occupation where and of offering peoples freedoms through preserving their legislative rights. ‏

In a statement issued Tuesday on the occasion of the inauguration of the activities for the 2nd round of the 6th session of the Human Rights Council that is affiliated to the UN in Geneva, Dr. Faisal spoke of israels open violation of the human rights in occupied Palestinian territories and the Syrian Golan and Lebanese Shebaa farms.

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