Sunday, January 06, 2008

Muslims: The Most Kind, Loving, Loyal, Protective and Easily Offended People

Denis Schulz

Syed Soharwardy says Muslims are the kindest, most loving, most loyal, most protective people if allowed to practice their religion openly and freely. Also the most easily offended. No Christians need apply.
Some people are easily offended. Take the late Billy Martin—he didn’t like being called a cross-grained jackass. Preston Brooks once beat a man over the head with a cane for making casual remarks about his Uncle’s ties to slavery. Al Capone used a baseball bat on Hop Toad Giunta. The old Wild West gunslinger Wilson didn’t like being called a low-down, dirty Yankee liar. There was a comedian name Raymond J. Johnson who didn’t like being called ‘Johnson.’ “Oh, ya doesn’t has to call me Johnson,” he would say. ”You can call me Ray, or you can call me Jay, or you can call me Johnny, or you can call me Sonny, or you can call me Ray Jay, or you can call me R J, but ya doesn’t has to call me Johnson.”

Billy Martin, Preston Brooks, Al Capone, Wilson…it didn’t take much to offend them but compared to Syed Soharwardy, the most easily offended person in all of Canada, they were models of patience and composure—no hair pulling or drooling. Soharwardy is more like Raymond J. Johnson. Capone shrugged off the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre—it was just one of those things; Soharwardy was so offended by the murder of Aqsa Parvez he threatened to go on a hunger strike. “The murder was absolutely un-Islamic,” he said. “We must not be using religion as a scapegoat to justify what we need. We should resolve our disputes based on reasoning, logic and cool-mindedness.” If Capone had been thinking like Soharwardy he would have blamed the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre on Eliot Ness. Booze, he would have said, had nothing to do with the murders. We must not use booze as a scapegoat. Soharwardy uses Islamophobia as a scapegoat. (Capone used reason, logic and cool-mindedness to resolve his dispute with Bugs Moran)

Scarcely days had passed before Soharwardy saw something on the Internet that infuriated him. It was so Islamophobic, so anti-Muslim, he just had to speak up! It was worse than Hamas Mouse arming 10-year-old Palestinians to kill Jews! Obviously someone had carried free speech too far! An Internet blogger had written, “There is no such thing as an innocent Muslim…They must all be killed. All of them.” Soharwardy was incensed. Islam was a religion of peace and toleration, but there were limits to toleration—even to Islamic toleration! Things could occasionally get out of hand. Look what had happened in Sudan…in Darfur…in Beslan…in Smyrna…in Bali…in Kosovo…in Amsterdam…Limits had been reached; believers had been pushed to an extreme. There are times when something has to be done to protect Islam from Kafirs and Infidels.

Syed was born in Karachi. He was trained as an Imam in Saudi Barbaria. He is national president of the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada and founder of Muslims Against Terrorism. He defines terrorism as attacks on innocent civilian populations like those carried out by the Bush Administration on Iraq and Afghanistan, ignoring the fact that most of the civilian casualties have been the result of terrorist activities—a terrorism he refuses to acknowledge.

“I assure you,” he says, “if a Muslim is allowed to practice Islam openly and freely and the society does not discriminate against him/her for being openly Muslim, then the Muslim will love that society and will help in protecting the religious rights of the followers of other religions.”

Qur’an 9:29 “Fight those who do not believe in Allah or the Last Day, who do not forbid that which is forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, or acknowledge the Religion of Truth (Islam), (even if they are) People of the Book (Christians and Jews), until they pay the Jizyah tribute tax in submission, feeling themselves brought low.” (Another interpretation: “…pay the tax in acknowledgement of our superiority and their state of subjection)

Tabari VIII:130 “The Messenger said, ‘Two religions cannot coexist in the Arabian peninsula. ‘Uman investigated the matter, then sent to the Jews, saying, ‘Allah has given permission for you to be expelled.’”

Qur’an 48:28 “It is He Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the Religion of Truth (Islam) that he may make it superior to every other religion, exalting it over theirs. Allah is a sufficient witness. Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah. Those who are with him are severe with Infidel unbelievers.”

If Muslims are allowed to practice their religion openly and freely they will love that society and will help protect the religions of the followers of other religions. And how will they do that? It’s a bit complicated and difficult for a non-Muslim to comprehend. First the ‘protected’ religion must be brought low, feel itself subdued and pay the Jizyah tribute tax in submission. And there is that severe thing.

Sowarhardy is tiresome—worse than tiresome. If only the Nazis had been allowed to practice their politics openly and freely…Except for the dead gangsters, Muslims Against Terrorism make Al Capone and the capo di tuttis seem reasonable, logical and cool-minded.

Qur’an 4:114 “He who disobeys the Apostle after guidance has been revealed will burn in Hell.”

George W. Bush and Benedict XVI have been offered guidance. Theo van Gogh was not. It depends on the size of the bodyguard.

Soharwardy says, “A true practice of Islam develops a kind and loving person. Maybe…somewhere… But the kind and loving person Syed is talking about, if it has any existence outside of Islam, is not much in evidence in Saudi Barbaria or Iran or in any section of the universe where Muslims outnumber Infidels, Kafirs and dogs. The Qur’an says those who believe in the Holy Trinity (The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost) will suffer a painful doom. Acceptance of such folderol is not likely to develop kind and loving persons.

Soharwardy is a first-class blowhard. He is so full of silly statements it is difficult to take him seriously, yet like Herr Joachim von Ribbentrop he offers a forecast of the future. With less knowledge of the US Constitution than a mule has of the Ten Commandments, he offered this analysis of American history: “Separation of church and state was required in the west because the church was abusing ordinary citizens in the name of the Christian faith.” Can Christians and Muslims get along? “In holy Qur’an, chapter 30, Allah favored Christians over pagans and gave them victory over their enemies.” “The US government or the US media has no right to declare anyone as terrorists or part of an ‘axis of evil.” (Non-Islamic sovereignty does not exist anywhere in the world!)

Soharwardy listed six things a Muslim must not do at any time, including during Jihad. One: Kill or hurt women and children even if they are of the enemy. Two: Kill the sick and elderly even if they are of the enemy. Three: Do not destroy hospitals. Four: Do not cut down green trees. Five: Do not contaminate water sources. Six: Do not destroy the places of worship of other religions. The best that can be said is they no longer cut down green trees. Yet Soharwardy says, “Where else do we find these great ethics during war time except in a religion founded over 1400 years ago—that of peace loving Islam.”

Beslan…Bali…9/11…Smyrna…Darfur…Sudan…Indonesia…Cyprus…It is easy to get very tired of this drivel. Five minutes of Soharwardy would be worse than listening non-stop to every speech delivered by FDR from 1910 to 1945. Drivel…drivel…drivel…

If one takes into account ‘collective guilt,’ the Internet blogger that angered Soharwardy was correct when he wrote, “There is no such thing as an innocent Muslim.” There were no innocent Nazis, there were no innocent Americans in the USA in the spring of 1861 and the crimes of Islam are every bit as great as those of Hitler and substantially greater than those of Jeff Davis. The blogger, however, was wrong in his solution. Conversion or at least reformation is the answer. Islam’s crimes should be exposed—constantly—without end. Quote the Qur’an—beat them over the head with their own scripture, it may not be what they want but it is what they need.

And never stop.


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