Saturday, March 15, 2008


Mladen Andrijasevic

I accuse US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice of willfully pursuing a policy which an official of her experience should know is absurd. She comes, she dreams her pipe dreams, we die.

I accuse President Bush of reneging on his June 2002 policy. He flip-flops, he follows Rice's absurd advice, he dreams his pipe dreams, we die.

I accuse the European Union of being silent when thThe UN died two weeks ago on the framing of the resolution regarding Sderot. I cannot accuse a corpse.

I accuse the European and world media on their years of pernicious and distorted reporting on Israel and poisoning the minds of millions. Year by year, day by day they find every way not to distinguish between the deliberate targeting of Israeli civilians by Palestinian jihadists and the accidental deaths of Palestinian civilians when terrorists were the target. They demonize Israel, they lie, we die.

I accuse the Israeli government of failing to protect the lives of its citizens. I accuse the Israeli government of distinguishing itself as the only government of a country in history which although militarily superior than the attacker has permitted rockets to kill and terrorize its citizens for years. I accuse the Israeli government of blindly following American failed policies. The policies that have failed not once, not twice but fifteen times. They succumb to American pressure, we die.

I accuse the Israeli politicians of putting their personal and party interests before the interests of its citizens. Instead of new elections which the majority wants the politicians renege on the promises given only a year ago.

I accuse Israeli left-wing intelligentsia of advocating negotiations with Hamas. I accuse them of laziness to read about the threat. Instead of educating themselves on the ideology of the jihadists, instead of learning the lessons of history they are repeating the worst blunders of the Chamberlain era.

And finally I accuse my fellow citizens of passivity and going on as if nothing is happening while their fellow citizens are being killed and traumatized in Sderot.

If we do not wake up, we will be next to die.

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