Thursday, April 24, 2008

Knesset House Committee to Push for Nat'l Golan Referendum Law

Hana Levi Julian

( Knesset House Committee Chairman David Tal has vowed to fight his own chairman, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, on his decision to put the Golan Heights on the negotiating table in exchange for a promise of peace with Syria.

The Kadima Knesset Member said Wednesday he will convene the committee next week immediately upon the lawmakers' return from Passover recess. On the agenda will be a bill that would require a national referendum before any concessions are made in connection with the Golan Heights.

Tal made the announcement in response to reports in the Syrian media that Olmert – head of the Kadima party – had sent Syrian President Bashar Assad a message via Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan that he is willing to cede the Golan Heights.

The bill, originally sponsored by former Kadima MK Avigdor Yitzchaki, has already passed its first reading in the Knesset plenum.

"We have to prevent the political thievary that would result in abandoning the Golan," said Tal. "A withdrawal from the Golan would result in Hizbullah terrorists' entering the area and embittering the lives of the residents of northern Israel."

Syria Confirms Veracity of the Report
Syrian Minister for Expatriate Affairs, Buthania Sha'aban confirmed the reports, telling the Aljazeera news network, "Olmert is ready for peace with Syria in accordance with international conditions and in return for a full withdrawal from the Golan.

Sha'aban, who also confirmed that the message from Olmert was conveyed by Erdogan, is considered to be one of the spokespersons of the Syrian government. She was previously in charge of foreign media relations for the Syrian Foreign Ministry.

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Mualem responded coyly to a question from a reporter about the report, however.

"If Israel is committed to a retreat to the June 4 (1967) lines and it is serious and has a will to make peace, there is nothing preventing a renewal of talks," he said during a joint news conference with Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Motaki.

Middle East expert Dr. Guy Bechor recently speculated, however, that Assad would never make peace with Israel even if presented with the entire Golan Heights. Bechor said Assad would strive to avoid such a deal because it might destabilize the delicate balance of power in Syria and eventually lead to his downfall.

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