Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fight on Gaza Soft-Glove Policy

Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

Support for Defense Minister Ehud Barak and outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's soft-glove policy against terrorists is crumbling in the wake of escalating rocket and mortar attacks on the western Negev.
Deputy Prime Minister Chaim Ramon (Kadima) has been outspoken in his calls for a more aggressive policy and stated more than a year ago that Israel should cut off utilities to Gaza if terrorists continue to attack Israel. Two other Kadima ministers, Meir Sheetrit and Shaul Mofaz, also have called for an end to the soft-glove approach.

Ramon was the most blunt and took the opportunity Saturday to slam Barak, who also is chairman of the Labor party. He charged, "Barak's policy in Gaza has been a complete failure and it is harming the residents of the south as well as Israel's security."

Minister Eli Yishai, the chairman of the Shas party coalition partners, declared Saturday night that the government must authorize the IDF to strike Gaza from the air. "No one is immune," he stated. "It is our moral duty to decide without delay. We can't continue with this virtual ceasefire that is costing us in blood."

Barak and Olmert have defended their positions, threatening repeatedly to strike "at the proper time."

Kadima Knesset Member Shai Hermesh, a member of Kibbutz Kfar Aza that has suffered death, injuries and extensive damage in Kassam rocket attacks, declared on Saturday that the June 19 ceasefire was made with the expressed objective of freeing Shalit, and he castigated the government for "dragging its feet because of Shalit."

He said Gaza Belt residents were willing to "suffer" the truce agreement for the sake of freeing Shalit but that "after six months, Shalit has not been freed and there are mortar shells and rockets," he declared.

"It is impossible to keep us hostages because of Gilad [Shali," said MK Hermesh. Warning of a possible mass exodus of residents, he added, "Either there will be residents without mortars or there will be mortars without residents. The government is paralyzed politically. It will take a fatal incident" for the government to authorize the IDF" to take the offensive against Gaza terrorists.

1 comment:

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Joan Stepsen
Computer geeks