Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hamas leadership announces 'calm' will not be extended

Dec. 14, 2008
ap and staff , THE JERUSALEM POST
Senior Hamas officials in Syria announced that the cease-fire with Israel, set to expire on December 19, would not be extended, Reuters reported Sunday.

Khaled Mashaal, the group's exiled leader, was quoted on Sunday afternoon by a Hamas television station in Damascus as saying, "There will be no renewal of the calm after it expires."

Following the announcement made by the Hamas leadership in Syria, senior officials in Jerusalem told Army Radio that the IDF and Israeli government are well prepared to deal with any decision reached by the terror group.

"We have used the 'calm' period to prepare and we have many surprises," the officials said.
Meanwhile in the Gaza Strip, tens of thousands of Hamas supporters marked 21 years to the terror group's establishment with an outdoor rally, and the show of strength included a play featuring a mock-captive Israeli soldier begging for his freedom.

Hamas was founded in Gaza in December 1987, and seized control of the territory by force in June 2007. Sunday's rally in the Gaza Strip was further evidence of Hamas' unchallenged control over 1.4 million people, with thousands of Hamas policemen securing Gaza City streets.

The huge crowd filled an outdoor area that can hold at least 150,000 people, and nearby streets were also thronged with Hamas supporters. Many wore baseball caps and waved flags in Hamas' signature green color.

During a colorful ceremony that included songs and plays, Hamas loyalists paraded a mock-captive Israeli soldier, who in Hebrew begged to return home.

"I miss my Mom and Dad," said a Hamas loyalist, dressed in an Israeli soldier's uniform, in a clear reference to captive IDF soldier Gilad Schalit, seized by Hamas-backed Palestinian terrorists in June 2006.

Egyptian-mediated negotiations to exchange Schalit for hundreds of Palestinian prisoners have repeatedly foundered.

"For those who made my children swallow a bitter drink, you will drink from the same cup," intoned a voiceover.

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Comment: Does the international community need any more evidance to understand Hamas and its intentions, its behavior, its values? In their own words today, "We have used the calm to prepare..."-we have told the world we cannot trust Hamas-no more need be said. Be advised also that all hell may break loose soon. I suggest the self-righteous among us cease and desist with their sopomoric rhetoric. Hqave you seen video of what services and foods and medicines really exist in Gaza? No, then perhaps you should become more informed! Do you not understand that as long as you, the gullible West continue to support their nonsense, as long as you conitue to accept what they say as truth, you ARE THE problem-you are responsible for the mayhem that will soon begin. Now, if you still cling to your rhetoric regarding Hamas and the "poor Palestinians" you have truly stated your agenda: you do not believe what Israel stands for, you are against the truth and are willing to support evil. This was needed to be said. I have tired of trying to educate the West-tired of trying to placate those who are ignorant and slowly educate you. As once said in a delightful movie: it seems that "You can't handle the truth." Well, for our sake you had better learn how to ,quickly!

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