Lisa Graas
According to the Team B II Report by a who’s-who of top, national security experts at The Center for Security Policy, “most Muslim organizations in America are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood or a derivative group.” Meanwhile, the Obama Administration engages in “willful blindness-induced failures” to address “as great a threat as any enemy the nation has ever confronted.” The Muslim Brotherhood, also known as the Ikhwan, supports armed struggle against non-Muslims and has itself identified the Islamic Movement in America to be a part of the “grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated….” This “stealth jihad“, referred to as “civilization jihad“, is based in Islamist hatred for Western civilization, hence their unwillingness to conform to American standards of jurisprudence. It is through the “legal, political, military doctrine known within Islam” as Shariah that these organizations are engaging in a non-violent, “for the moment,” campaign to undermine and destroy America. Here are the five most prominent organizations named specifically by the Muslim Brotherhood as like-minded groups of “friends” in the mission to re-establish a global Islamic caliphate.
#5 — Muslim Students Association
The first organization created by the Muslim Brotherhood was the Muslim Students Association [MSA].
As the Muslim Brothers “settled” in North America, they did so according to their stated bylaws. At the University of Illinois in Urbana, the Ikhwan created its first front organization in North America, the Muslim Students Association (MSA) in 1963. Today, MSA chapters are present on many college campuses across the country, serving as recruiting nodes for the MB and, in some cases for violent jihadist organizations [...]
[...] [O]ut of the MSA came nearly every Muslim organization in America today. Initially, as MSA chapters sprang up on American campuses, they presented Islam in public as an acceptable alternative to other religions, never mentioning its revolutionary aspects. In recent years, MSA members have become ever more aggressive in their demands for accommodations and silencing those who oppose them. [Team B II Report]
We have seen the MSA’s Jew-hatred and silencing tactics on full display in their treatment of Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren at UC-Irvine and support for a second Holocaust at UC-San Diego. Abdurrahman Alamoudi who was arrested in 2003 for terrorist fundraising, is a former President of MSA. Alamoudi, a financier of Al Qaeda, is a compatriot of conservative infiltrator Suhail Khan. You may remember Alamoudi also for his role in starting the Roxbury Mosque. Other former members include Anwar al-Awlaki, the U.S. government’s most-wanted terrorist; Aafia Siddiqui, arrested for attempting to kill U.S. officers in Afghanistan; Ali Asad Chandia, arrested for conspiring with the Kashmiri terrorist group Lashkar-i-Taiba; and Wa’el Hamza Julaidan, founder of Al Qaeda.
The Muslim Student Association pledge of allegiance, as stated in the video below, is in sync with the credo of the Muslim Brotherhood. The MSA claims 150 groups in 25 cities in America. Despite these horrifying truths, common ground with the Left in an anti-Israel agenda clearly helps to ensure the extremist MSA’s continued status as a “mainstream” organization in America by many universities giving them safe harbor for years.
#4 — Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
Born from the ranks of the Muslim Students Association, the Islamic Society of North America [ISNA] is the largest organization of Muslims on the continent and, as such, surely counts as a key partner with the Muslim Brotherhood in engaging in civilization jihad. ISNA has admitted to their ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and also to Hamas which is responsible for terrorist attacks on Israel. It was through ISNA that the Muslim Brotherhood was able to build hundreds of mosques in America with Saudi funding, and it is ISNA which has focused on providing extremist Wahhabi teaching materials to these mosques. Wahhabism, according to former CIA Director James Woolsey, is “the soil in which al Qaeda and its sister terrorist organizations are growing.” Though this is clearly the case, ISNA President Ingrid Mattson characterizes Wahhabism as being “analogous to the European Protestant Reformation” and has made the clearly ludicrous claim that “right-wing Christians are very risky allies for American Jews, because they [the Christians] are really anti-Semitic. They do not like Jews.”
Despite the threat to America’s security that ISNA poses, and despite the fact that the lies of Ingrid Mattson are so easily researched, ISNA and Mattson are considered allies by many in positions of power, including President Barack Obama and some American Catholic bishops. This is how subversion works. The fact that she is female may give some credibility in the eyes of some, but as the Team B Report on the Threat of Shariah explains, Mattson is really no more than a pawn.
Even a cursory examination, however, of the views of the current ISNA president, Ingrid Mattson, and former MSA President Hadia Mubarak reveals their philosophies are right in line with Muslim Brotherhood doctrine. And, in both organizations, the male leadership within the Brotherhood continues to make operational decisions, despite the title conferred upon such women.
Perhaps it’s not so difficult to understand how the president, who was a Muslim in his youth and spent his formative years steeped in Marxism, lends support for radical Islamists like Ingrid Mattson, but one would not expect Catholic bishops to join with her in pulling the wool over the eyes of their flock.
Next: CAIR — The Muslim Brotherhood’s Propaganda Front in America…
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