Steven Shamrak
There are many different Christian churches, groups and movements. Some call themselves Zionists or good and true Christians. Many of them are deeply antagonistic toward mainstream Catholics and Anglicans. And they disassociate themselves from the actions of their church in the past.
Just recently, the Pope, leader of 1.1 billion Catholics, deliberately omitted Israel from the list of countries suffering from Islamic terror in his speech. Following his example, an Anglican archbishop did not mention two Jews as victims of London bombings. Some Church leaders are still advocating divestment from Israel, but not from Muslim countries linked to Islamic terrorism! We have not been hearing condemnations made by "true Christians" of the anti-Semitic behaviour and Israel-bashing by their Christian brothers in the past and the present. Most of them are silent about Arab terrorism in Israel, anti-Semitic acts in their own countries and anti-Israel discriminatory behaviour of the UN, EU, Red Cross and USA as well. True friendship can be measured only by actions!
The inaction of church leaders and the Christian leadership of the US and European governments against the spreading of Islamic terror is appalling and borders on criminal negligence. For many years they have been ignoring the warnings about Islamic expansionistic ambitions. They ignore the fact, that true Islamists hate Christians even more than Jews. Now they are experiencing the result of their duplicity. Europe is under the flame of Islamic fire but the hypocrites still are not able to face the reality and are playing the dangerous game of political correctness, ignorance and providing false justifications to basic Islamic hate toward anything that is not Muslim!
From the Jewish point of view it is difficult to distinguish the true friends among the Christian groups. Most of them claim friendship but actually have sinister motives. The Messianic Christians, for example, consider themselves as 'good Christians'. This is in spite of the fact that the main objective of the Messianic church is to prove the validity of Christian teachings by converting lost Jewish souls to Christianity. They believe, as many before them, that the increase in the number of Jewish Christians is an indication that the Church is G-d's true religion. In the past the forceful conversion of Jews was a preferred method, but proved ineffective.
Unfortunately, many Christian groups and organisations still believe and practice the old traditional theology of hate or misguided envy toward Jews. They ignore the fact that conversion of Jews to Christianity is actually against the will of the G-d and undermines the most important Christian doctrine of the Second coming. It diminishes the chance of all Jews to come to Israel, as He commanded for the arrival of the Jewish Messiah. Effectively, due to deeply imbedded anti-Semitism or pathological jealousy, many branches of the Church have been sabotaging the Second coming of their Messiah by evangelising Jews.
I respect any belief system as long as they do not discriminate against others. At the same time, I demand the same respect toward my people, our traditions and our rights from others. True friendship is a two way street.
Jews welcome moral and political support for Israel from the non-Jewish friends. But it must be given without any ulterior motives. The good Christian friends must not be frustrated when Jews criticize the anti-Semitic behaviour of the Church. Most often, the Church practice and religion have very little in common! If you follow the Bible's message of love, you are on the right side and have nothing to be concerned about. The bottom line is - your teacher was a Jew and it is difficult to distort his message of love!
Rocket Attacks a Deal Breaker?
Rocket Attacks began last Wednesday, when a Grad Katyusha rocket was fired at Ashdod, setting off Red Color warning sirens throughout southern Israel, as far north as Rishon Lezion. The attacks intensified on Saturday, when at least 20 Grad missiles, Kassam rockets, and mortar shells were fired at Israel. One rocket hit the courtyard of a school building in Ashdod, damaging several classrooms. Another rocket hit outside an apartment building in the city.
Ami Moshe, 56, is the name of the Ashkelon man who died on Saturday night in a rocket attack on the city. At least three people were injured and were being treated at hospitals in southern Israel; about a dozen others were treated for shock. Ashdod Mayor Yechiel Lassry said that schools would be closed Sunday. Israel is supposed to release another 550 terrorists in the coming weeks, but some MKs have begun calling for that part of the Shalit deal to be cancelled if Hamas continues to allow rocket attacks on Israel.
Both Islamic Jihad and the Al-Aqsa Brigades took responsibility for Saturday's attacks. The terror groups said that the attacks were "just the beginning" of renewed attacks against Israel.
Food for Thought by Steven Shamrak
'Freedom fighters' murdered Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi and his son after they were arrested alive. They executed dozens of Qaddafi's supporters after the fall of Surt. No international condemnation! No emergency session of UN Security Council! Just lip service and hope that it will be forgotten soon, like many another crimes against humanity committed by Arabs. And, there is no interest to investigate what had happened in Women's Military Academy after 'rebels' taken Tripoli.
One Thuggery is being Replaced by Another
Questions swirl around the death outside Sirte Thursday, Oct. 20, of Muammar Qaddafi, Libya's ousted ruler. According to one theory, he shot himself dead to escape capture after he was wounded outside Sirte. But some TV footage indicates he was shot dead after being abused by rebels.
Shalit, Grapel - and Pollard?
Rumors - or perhaps only hopes - flew that Jonathan Pollard will follow Gilad Shalit and Ilan Grapel and be freed from his U.S. prison soon. Officials in the Pollard camp recently have expressed hopes that President Barack Obama will free Pollard this summer soon. (One may wonder, how many American spies Israel must arrest in order to gain freedom for Pollard?)
Endless Demands but not Commitment to Peace
Days after the mass release of hundreds of terrorists in exchange for Gilad Shalit, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has released a surprise demand, and is calling on Israel to release 1,000 more.
Better to Kill a Terrorist than Call Police
Rabbi Yossi Elitzur wrote in a Halachic ruling that should someone encounter a terrorist, it is preferable to shoot and kill them rather than call the police or attempt to apprehend the person in question, since he may be released in a future prisoner swap.
International Anti-Semites Funding of Israeli Leftist Groups
The British government gives over half a million pounds Sterling annually, funding Israeli political organisations - nearly all of them leftist, like Peace Now - but gives nothing at all to groups in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and other Arab countries, who have been struggling to replace the dictatorships running their countries with democratic regimes. (Undermining of Jewish democracy is not a problem for UK anti-Semitic bigots, but they fear Arab tyrants' retaliation!)
Enemy within Must also be Removed
Dozens of Arab citizens of Israel held a demonstration in which they called to kidnap IDF soldiers in order to free more of the terrorists in Israel s prisons. K David Rotem (Yisrael Beiteinu) slammed the Thursday protest and said those who had called to kidnap soldiers should have their citizenship revoked and should be deported. "The calls to kidnap soldiers emphasize yet again that we need to link citizenship to loyalty. These inciters are not worthy to be part of Israeli society." (Jews were always questioned about their loyalty in other countries. It is time to question loyalty of Arab Israelis and free country from enemies within!)
Enforce Law in Arab Sector Too
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said at Cabinet session that police must enforce the law in Arab and other minority sectors just as they do in the Jewish sector. "There are not two states," the Prime Minister said. "There is no state within a state. We live in one state - the State of Israel is Jewish and democratic." (It is a well known secret that police avoids 'aggravation' when dealing with the non-Jewish population of Israel)
Gaza is Becoming a Separate from PA Nation
Hamas rulers of Gaza have issued new regulations for visitors who intend to visit the region. Foreigners must obtain a visa to enter the territory. The rules will apply to most international aid workers and activists, according to the announcement. Foreign journalists will apparently face a separate set of procedures, which have yet to be determined. PA and PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, however, will still be unable to enter the territory, with or without a visa, as his security cannot be guaranteed. Abbas has been unable to enter Gaza since the end of the bloody militia war in which Hamas seized control of the region in June 2007. (How many fake Arab nations are needed to destroy Israel?)
US to Sell F-16 to Egypt in Grapel Deal
Egypt has come out the big winner in negotiations for the release of US-Israeli national Ilan Grapel. On Israel's side 25 Egyptian prisoners will be transferred into Egyptian custody. But according to Egyptian military expert General Sameh Sayf al-Yazal, the United States has agreed to a much bigger deal: America will sell its much-acclaimed F-16 fighter to Cairo. (Egypt has money to buy planes but not building democracy. Who are those planes going to be used against?)
Saudi Incitement and Never Ending Terror
1. Saudi Arabia's controversial Islamist and preacher, Sheikh Awad al Qarni, offered a bounty of $100,000 for the kidnapping of any IDF in 'Palestine' who can be used as leverage to force Israel to release more terrorists from its prisons. 2. Terrorists from Gaza fired a Grad missile towards southern Israel late Wednesday evening.
Disengagement Made Hiding Shalit Easy
Hamas interior minister Fathi Hamad said Israel's 2005 "Disengagement" from Gaza, "helped us conceal Gilad Shalit for five years." Hamad was referring to the absence of an Israeli military presence on the ground in Gaza, which would have been able to control movement in the enclave while having freedom of movement in searching for Shalit.
Quote of the Week:
"Here I am showing you the People of Israel in all its unity, the people who pray and who worry about each other. We feel that G-d loves us and gives us opportunities to see Him and to see our people. In which other country can you see such love, such help, such prayer and such a bond? We are the Chosen People, and not like others. We need to remember this, and to unite. This will be our revenge on terror." - Yael Nikar, sister of 17-year-old victim of terror Yehuda Na'amad
Concern of International anti-Semitic Ugliness
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights expresses concern that shipping prisoners (killers and hard-core terrorists) abroad is in breach of international law. Under international humanitarian law, it is illegal to forcibly transfer war detainees or deport them to another country against their will. The Red Cross conducted confidential interviews with all 477 Palestinian detainees. Colville said that the UN human rights office had "continuing concerns about the thousands of Palestinians still detained or imprisoned by Israel." Under international humanitarian law, it is illegal to forcibly transfer war detainees or deport them to another country against their will.
Juan Pedro Schaerer, the head of the ICRC delegation for Israel and the territories said "And we regret that hundreds of families of Palestinians from Gaza held in Israeli places of detention were punished by being prevented from visiting their detained relatives." (They were not concerned that for five years Gilad had no communication with his family and was even denied visit from ICRC. But they are 'extremely' concerned that 40 killers of Jews, out 477 released terrorists, were sent far away from Israel. What a bunch of shameless and ugly anti-Semitic idiots!)
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