Tuesday, April 02, 2013

CAIR - We Are Above the Law of the Land

ALAN KORNMAN April 2, 2013
I am concerned CAIR's hateful supremacist rhetoric could lead to possible bias incidents inciting "practicing Muslims" to act in a lawless manner against non-Muslims.
Above the Law of the Land
"If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land" said Mustafa Carroll, executive director of the Dallas-Fort Worth branch of the Council On American Islamic Relations (CAIR).  Mustafa Carroll's incendiary quote was meant to incite lawless action from his target audience of "practicing Muslims."
We urge Americans to speak out against this latest form of irrational anti-Americanism, hate mongering, incitement, and for CAIR to publicly reaffirm respect for the law of the land and tolerance for all.

This article will show how CAIR Dallas-Fort Worth executive director Mustafa Carroll's quote is subversive and in violation of their coveted  501(c)(3) nonprofit tax exempt status and is illegal under United States Code.  CAIR has shown a pattern of similar statements from Omar Ahmad and Ibrahim Hooper advocating for Rebellion or Insurrection under United States Code.
Mustafa Carroll is 100% Right
Mr. Carroll made his subversive "...we are above the law of the land" call to action at the Texas Muslim Capitol Day on January 31, 2013. According to Islamic doctrine and theology Mustafa Carroll is 100 percent in accordance with Islamic Law.  Islamic Law   teaches the Qur'an is the exact word of Allah down to the last letter and supersedes all man made laws including our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Mr. Carroll should be applauded for his honesty and then harshly punished for his subversive speech against the United States of America.
Mustafa Carroll is the Executive Director of a nationally recognized 501(c)(3) Civil Rights Organization so his words spoken in public carry considerable weight, especially when spoken on the steps of Texas State Capitol where man made laws are written and enacted.
Accurate Image of Islam in America
CAIR-TX, DFW Chapter website says it,  "is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-deductible grassroots advocacy and civil right organization.  CAIR was established to promote a accurate image of Islam and Muslims in America. We believe that misrepresentations of Islam today are most often the result of ignorance on the part of non-Muslims and reluctance on the part of Muslims to clearly articulate our beliefs...we strive to maintain the highest ethical standards in all of our endeavors. In our work towards portraying an accurate image of Islam in America..."
John Griffing wrote a good article documenting the serial lawlessness and arrests of CAIR principles over the years plus a live uncut video of Mustafa Carroll and others on the steps of Texas State Capitol.
I believe Mustafa Carroll chose his words carefully and articulated his view of an "accurate image of Islam in America", when he stated, "If we are practicing Muslims, we are above the law of the land."  Mr. Carroll believes he is above the law and better than everyone else.

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