Sunday, December 01, 2013

French feminists fight to support Muslim veil ban

Analysts think the European court would not want to overturn the French decision, though they cannot rule out a surprise ruling given the pressure from Muslim groups

In another example of the contradictions between Left-oriented cultural Marxists over gender issues versus ethnic minority issues, a leading feminist organisation has come out strongly in favour of a Paris court's upholding of the French ban on the Muslim veil.
As France 24 reported on Wednesday:
"A Paris court has ruled the sacking of a Muslim crèche worker for wearing a headscarf was legal, but another woman's challenge to the contentious legislation goes up before the European Court of Human Rights on Wednesday."
However, in a letter to the European Court of Human Rights, the International League for Women's Rights, a group founded by the iconic French feminist Simone de Beauvoir, said:
"The full-face veil, by |literally burying the body and |the face, constitutes a true deletion of the woman as an individual in public... How can one not see that to wear the full veil is also a symbolic violence to other women?"

France banned the wearing of the veil in 2010 in a move that caused ideological confusion among Leftists in France and beyond, as well as the now customary accusations of "Islamophopbia" from mainstream Muslim organisations and Leftist media such as the Guardian and its ideological allies in the BBC.
The European Court of Human Rights is technically independent, but is subject to the prevailing winds of poltical correctness across Europe. Analysts think the court would not want to overturn the French decision, though they cannot rule out a surprise ruling given the pressure from Muslim groups.

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