February 17, 2011 17:38 by Pesach Benson
The UN Security Council’s meeting tomorrow to vote on a resolution against Israeli settlement activity. It’s time to clear up a few myths out there.
Myth: A US veto will spark Arab rage.
Fact: Arab Days of Rage are trendy, but none are directed at Israel.
Myth: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the biggest source of regional instability.
Fact: The biggest sources of regional instability are the Arab autocrats who repress freedom and the Islamic radicals who want to fill the vacuum.
Myth: A veto will lead to America’s isolation. Fact: Isolated by who? The Arabs on the receiving end of US aid, the Arabs who fear Iranian hegemony, or the Arabs who are ruled by despots and don’t represent their people anyway?
Myth: The world will benefit from having Israel put in it’s place.
Fact: Arab leaders are desperate for any kind of distraction. A condemnation might buy Abbas some time. But no Arab – not even the Palestinians – will trade away liberty, democracy, voting, free speech, education, health, or pursuit of happiness for a UN resolution.
Myth: The Palestinian issue must not be relegated to the back-burner.
Fact: Irrelevant. The Palestinians hit the back-burner when Tunisian fruit seller Mohamed Bouazizi lit the match that set himself and the rest of the Arab world on fire. Too late.
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