Friday, July 08, 2011

The Flytilla--Now They're Just Making Stuff Up

Daled Amos

Members of the Flytilla are now passing around some kind of open letter.

Among the things the Flytilla claim:

Visitors traveling between countries have rights under international law and bilateral travel agreements. Our foreign visitors insist that they must be treated with respect in the same manner Israeli citizens receive when traveling to their countries. Those who had reservations cancelled will exercise their right of protest including bringing legal cases in their own countries. We will also bring legal cases in Israeli courts under our continued attempt to expose the racist policies of the Israeli government

Travelers may very well have rights, but what the Flytilla forgets are the rights of the host country.
Very simply, every country has the right to a say as to who can enter and who cannot. But that matters little to the Flytilla. I suppose they, like other anti-Israel protesters, have become so used to throwing around phrases such as "international law" that they just automatically bring out the phrase "international law" whenever someone frustrates their projects.

My 3 year old son throw things.

This tactic of the self-described humanitarian activists in general and the Flytilla in particular should be a warning about how loosely these anti-Israel protesters use language--and facts--in their attempt to destabilize Israel.

Comment: Hold people and your local media to telling the truth when they fabricate facts opinion and share them as facts. If you don't they win!!

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