Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Friend of Israel? You decide


Israel Lives

On July 11, President Barack Obama invited the other members of the Quartet-Russia, the UN, and the EU-as well as representatives from China and the Arab League, to the White House for a summit on OIsrael. Following the meetings, a dinner that lasted over two hours was held for the participants. Did you hear a word about it in the media? I certainly didn't. Why? The White House had imposed a media ban on the event. U. S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton hosted the dinner. I am hard-pressed to find a time in American history when a trusted ally was ever treated so shabbily. Israel is the best friend America has and to NOT invite Israel to a summit which will affect her future-and the future of Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria-is evil.

Why has President Obama not convened a summit on Iran, a country whose leaders are determined to wipe Israel from the map?
It's simple; he believes that Israel is the second greatest destabilization force in the Middle East after Al Qaeda. He made this clear in his Cairo speech:

The second major source of tension that we need to discuss is the situation between Israelis, Palestinians, and the Arab world.

In approximately two weeks, on July 26, the United Nations Security Council will hold an open "debate" on whether or not Israel's land will be seized in September and Jerusalem divided by the establishment of a Palestinian state. This would be done without negotiation or approval from Israel. Spokespersons from the Arab League have stated they will seek UN membership for a Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and with East Jerusalem as its capital. We must stand with Israel now against this evil plan.

According to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, "President Obama says he wants to see an independent Palestinian state by September." This indicates that Mr. Obama may not veto this blatant land grab. No wonder Palestinian leaders are so confident of success that they are willing to seize the moment.

It is highly likely that Israeli leaders would refuse to recognize the UN move and decline to forfeit their land. The Palestinians would probably declare war on Israel with the whole world lining up on their side. As of today, 116 of the 192 UN member states are willing to recognize a Palestinian state. ..and it goes on.


Unknown said...

U gotta b kidding....."a trusted ally" never been treated so shabbily???? Isreals land will b taken w/o Isreals imput......HA u zionistsneed to jump in a hole and bury yourselves. Amazing u think the rest of the world has no grasp on history. I pray to god Obama has the courage, and good sense to tell Isreal to go tyo hell and fight their own fights w/o dragging the united states into them. Free up some of the land u stole in palistine and learn to live in peace. U r an idiot zionist!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This American and veteran stands with America. Go wave your israeli flag elsewhere... Preferably in israel.

GS Don Morris, Ph.D./Chana Givon said...

Fred, thanks for reading my blog, I do appreciate it. Your anger only transcends your historical ignorance. You mention "grasp of history", whose writings/reporting,analysis do you read? If you want to curb your obvious anger and have a historical debate, than write a piece and I'll consider posting it-ranting "talking points" and ranting on with name calling only demonstrates your true bigoted posture.

GS Don Morris, Ph.D./Chana Givon said...

Glad you served your country and it is wonderful that you understand the freedom you served for-this nation was built upon many values of substance. What is really underneath or behind your waving flag elsewhere, you dislike what-exactly?You think one does not stand with America because questions are asked, this is a bit naive don't you think? Wishing you the best-d

Unknown said...

Don thanks 4 ur response. I am not bigoted, just responding to ur outragous claim that a trusted ally has never been treated so badly. u got to kidding. What on earth has transpired of late with ur Bibi insulting and subverting my leader? y do u think the US doesn't have the right to request/require Isreal to respect agreements in regards to Sumaria and jedea.....Palistine....common don't act as though the histoy is clean and unsullied by Isreal and the Zionists in Isreal. I am tired of hering u whine when u truly do act, the current govt running Isreal, Bibi. Talk about a leader shitting on his frinds. Isreal has pushed my limit too far now. Your govt actions with . especially the first floatilla, and its obvious involvement in sabotaging the second, along with all the expansion in the teritories, ect ect ect. Then u claim the US govt is treating Isreal, a trusted friend, shabbily? Common!!!! I am an american who has always supported Isreal. But your current govt, bibi in particular has exposed tome a side of Isreal i cannot support. I am not blind and stupid. Isreal is expanding and disregarding all international agreements which, over the last decade, it has promised to abide by. Ur country, led by a man who I see as a madman, has pushed the probability of additional wars upon my countries doorstep and i don't like it. My reading of the facts and the wikileak docs on Pal/isreal negotiations revels an intreched nation unwilling to move an inch toward peace. all the while crying about y the world is against them. I have come to a new belief in Isreal, one that cannot be allayed until ur Bibi quits his zionist expansion and truly moves toward peace. your warmongering, financced by US money and prestige, threatens my country because your foolish and selfish EXHIBITED policies will force us to back u. I don't want to anymore--u r out of control. Zionism is at the root of Isreal's policies and peace isn't in your interest. at least not bibis Isreal . I cannot support thatw/o accoutability 4 who is driving this conflict. And u claim yourself to be a trusted friend. PLEAS actions speak louder than words. It is time, in my biased american opinion, 4 our govt to demand certain respect from Isreal, for the friendship we have exibited to u through vetosin the u n, money and military support. U can dislike american resistance to the way ur Isreal has been conducting itself, but u r way out of line to degrade and characterize my president as ussupportive. Please

Unknown said...

By the way i like all peter sellers movies, avatar is my favorite movie, rnr and jazz 2. I don't hate the fact ur isreali--I dislike in the strongest terms what i see bibi doing to the landscape of the mideast----and the implications that has for me, my country, and the world. By the way, theEagles r my fav band, bob segar 2 :)

GS Don Morris, Ph.D./Chana Givon said...

First unknown-why is it you won't id yourself when you make such atrocious statements,not grounded in truth? Your language and your command of grammar and spelling suggests you may be other than an American but I will respond this final time. I do not know what history or what "legal agreements" you refer to when discussing the disputed territories. Yes, if you know legal history you know the Oslo Accords, you know UN 242 and then you know this land is and has been in legal dispute since 1967.
I understand you have an opinion re: the flotilla, you do not have the right to create facts that are untrue. If you study international law, Israel has the legal right to place a blockade upon Gaza-the flotilla, as has been proven now in international court, broke the law. If you mean to say that when Israeli soldiers boarded the ships with paint guns and were attacked with knives, clubs and thrown over the side this was an act of peace-you are smart enough to know better. Yes, thank G-d our solders carried secondary firearms to protect themselves. Your logic says soldiers acting in accordance with law cannot protect themselves from being killed-you are better than this-use more critical, intelligent arguments to display your hatred.Your source of information is Wikileaks-now I understand. Come, spend time here in Israel, learn another set of facts. Yes, as an American citizen, I, too love my country, I also reside in Israel-you have a jaded perception of what goes on here, you are horribly misinformed about the PM and yes, the Obama Administration,never mind the rhetoric, as I, too, look at actions and his are limited at best-I am being kind.I find it interesting that you find an explanation that blames little ME. I do wish you to continue to read, with a clear mind, this blog as I present ,for you, the other side of the story. I have no intention of changing anyone's mind, I do intend to present corroborated fact-you decide to read and listen to only those promoting an anti-Israel agenda-it is your choice-a freedom we fight for every day.Final comment, best you research the notion of monies before passing erroneous analysi-all the best-d

GS Don Morris, Ph.D./Chana Givon said...

So many Unknowns so I cannot direct my reply in an appropriate manner. Thank you for reading my blog, every piece is corroborated by multiple sources unless it is an opinion piece.I appreciate your interest in music, why you say I am Israeli is amazing to me. I am an American citizen,currently spending time in Israel learning first hand, not heresay, not from someone who has an anti-Israel agenda, I am here finding out the facts for myself-I encourage honest brokers of peace to join me here. The easiest comment to make is a generalized dislike with Bibi with no supportive arguments-come on, you are better than this-yes? I also smile, it is what one must do with such ignorant statements, that those folks making such statements ignore totally the behavior, the leadership, the actions of the nations that surround us-thereby by abdicating any sense of responsibility on their part-before entering any reasonably discussion please consider all sides rather than giving all the power to Israel-this is a foolish conclusion and I do not believe you are a foolish person.