February 10, 2013
Nurit Greenger
How do you know that the other side - the Arabs - want
peace is by the way they educate their children.
From the time the Arab-"Palestinians" took
responsibility of their future generations education, following the Oslo
[di]Agreements, from the age of ONE they teach their children to hate Israelis
and Jews, to kill Israelis and Jews and that the highest they can achieve is to
die while killing Jews/Israelis. The result, 1,500 Jews plus, ALL died under
the banner of "victims for peace." Was peace achieved, not at all. In
fact, peace is now even farther away from the possibility of achieving it.
The Oslo Accords, the idea to give the Arabs a state, to
agree to use their name "Palestinians" and thus give them the seal of
approval to be a new Arab nation on account of the Jewish nation was a huge
mistake Israel has hastily made.
With the help of Israel and its lack of public diplomacy, the
world has chosen to forget, or never knew, that the Arab population Israel has
gained in 1967 were not indigenous.
According to the Mandate for Palestine, subsequently to
become the State of Israel, the Arabs living on that land, if so chose, were to
remain live there with all the human rights but no nationality rights.
From the legal point of International law, Israel is
entitled to the ownership of the land of Judea and Samaria, a/k/a "West Bank"
and certainly entitled to build there.
But all that is not what the Arabs learn and thus believe.
When clueless people, among them now are even Israelis who
serve in the government, claim that Israel occupies the land of Judea and
Samaria, the question is 'occupies from whom?' After all Israel did not conquer
this land from a sovereign state.
Every Israeli or his or her leader needs to know their
rights to the land of Israel an which are they. Once they know they will
believe and act on their belief.
There must be a way to correct the wrong.
the Arab-Palestinians really want peace they must teach and learn peace. In
2013, 20 year after the Oslo Accords were signed, the Palestinian Authority media
and education narrative is nothing but hate of Jews and Israel. Sadly, while
the PA schools and youth centers are full of Jew hatred, there is no ecumenical
mindset to counter this hate Jew narrative. If the government of Israel does
not utter these words, pretty soon the USA will be no different than the European
countries that do not support Israel, in fact are doing the Arabs' job to
subvert Israel's stance in the world.
At Ariel University Center of Samaria, The Center for Law and Mass Media, headed by Prof. Abraham Sion (http://www.ariel.ac.il/projects/law-and-mass-media)
they are attempting to investigate the PA and is loyalists. Along with
the investigations the center is seeking alternative ways to the
two-states fairytale. Though the Arabs, with their own behavior, have
null and voided the Oslo Agreement, they still want a state and
nationhood, all on account of Israel.

Center for Law and Mass Media think-tank think that Jordan should be that "Palestine"
state. Since that politicians do not plan further than one day ahead, it is the
duty of the lawyers, the academia and the people to envisage Israel in ten
years from now and initiate and instill this narrative and agenda. That
includes the alternative to the two-states disaster.
narrative that needs to be enhanced and disseminated is, to strengthen Israel
is to abolish and cancel the two-state [dis]solution.
step is to annex Judea and Samaria to Israel. According to the mandate for
Palestine, that still holds legally, the Arabs living there will become residents
having full human rights and no nationality rights. One reason it to end the
undermining of Israel from abroad. The governments of the European Union,
specially Switzerland and Britain, are pouring
millions of dollars into organizations that politically veer to the
Left, working against the interests of Israel by viciously going after the
Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, they branded as
aspect, in many cases Israel's democracy harms Israel. When Arab-Israeli
members of Knesset walk out of the swearing of the new elected Knesset so they
do not need to be in the hall when the national anthem is sung Israel
has a problem from within. The problem is not only coming from the hateful Arabs
in Judea and Samaria, who were educated to hate Jews, but from the Arabs holding
Israeli citizenship, who act as a fifth column. These Israeli Arabs will turn against
Israel in a heartbeat. When an Arab can buy an apartments anywhere
in Israel without limitation and a Jew cannot buy home or property in Arab-Palestinian
land that legally belong to the Jews, something is very wrong. And no one in
Israel puts a stop to it.
gives way too many rights to the other side, the Arabs, that they do not
deserve and have not earned.
to a thinking person, Israel's case is a story Israel does not tell. Israel
does not have to lie, as its story of facts and truth speaks volume for
her. Israel is always on the defense and
that is because of her lacking proper public diplomacy and public relations. As
a result, Israel wins every battle but loses every war. No matter the outcome
of event, Israel ends up to be blamed for it. That is the double standard
Israel allowed the world to apply to her.
To correct the wrong you have to do the right thing.
The President of the United States has his mind set on a
state for the Arab-Palestinians on account of the Jews and their homeland, Israel.
He needs to be told the facts and to be informed that there will never be peace
so long the Arabs are taught Nazi propaganda and genocide.
The Government of Israel needs to demand of the United
States to either help fix the wrong or stay out of it. No matter what, for once
and for all end giving a hand to spilling Jewish blood.
Since its establishment the state of Israel is being
The message is: the state of Israel is the Jewish nation
security and insurance policy and no saboteur enemy can be added to that
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