Wednesday, October 02, 2013

D.C. Dem Mayor Grants CAIR Its Wish, Proclaims October "Islamic Heritage Month"

October 2, 2013
D.C. Mayor Vincent C. Gary issues proclamation honoring October as America's Islamic Heritage Month

District of Columbia, October 1, 2013: America's Islamic Heritage Museum (AIHM) announced, The Mayor of the District of Columbia issuing a Proclamation honoring the month of October as America's Islamic Heritage month. This year is the eighth annual celebration of October as America's Islamic Heritage month in the District. This year's theme is "Connecting People Using Culture and History."

The Mayor calls upon all the residents of this great City to join him in celebration and recognition of the history and contributions of the Islamic Community.

The Muslim communities throughout our region are encouraged to host open houses and educational events that highlight our diversity, contributions, and history.
Our public schools are encouraged to learn about America's rich Islamic history, to teach tolerance and understanding, and to visit AIHM museum. 
H/T: Weasel Zippers

Comment:  This is the begining-once a city grants this, others will fal across the country UNLESS you stand up and say no. There are more Jews in america than Muslims-where is Jewish Heritage week? This is simply part of the plan to infiltrate and defeat a culture from within-we predicted this years ago-no one seems to be listening with any intensity-your children will have to deal with your impotence.

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