Friday, October 04, 2013

Some things to think about ...


Continued problems with blogspot-I am sorry to have to present critical posts in the following manner.  I have chosen to use this format in the interim as I value the posts.  I am working diligently to resolve the posting of gadgets issue-any one with help please let me know-thank you for your patience.

Obamacare 'sticker shock' being reported 

Obama's phony debt default threat

John Kerry’s Jobs Program for Would-Be Jihadists »

Hundreds of millions to be wasted on the discredited theory that poverty causes terrorism.

Is Obama trying to panic Wall Street?

Syria Claims It’s the Only Thing Stopping a Jewish Takeover of the Planet

Feds' punitive shutdown in Western parks

Promoting a biased, re-branded image of a murderous regime.

Possible 'Grand Bargain' on budget, debt, in the works

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