Friday, September 21, 2012

A Running Scorecard of Islamic Fatalities

via New English Review.

A Running Scorecard of Fatalities With No Apologies Yet or Ever Likely >
For those who would like a scorecard from 1948 to the present of violent Arab/Islamic heinous acts of barbarism for which the entire world (including innocent Muslims) are still waiting for an apology…If we went back another 60 years to 1890, the toll would include at least another three million Greek, Bulgarian and Armenian Christians massacred in mass violence, pogroms, forced exile and death marches.

Since 1948
1.Massive violence between Muslims and Hindus in India on an unprecedented scale following partition (at Muslim insistence) in 1947 and three India-Pakistan wars, terrorism in Kashmir and India resulting in several million killed and at least fifteen million people displaced. As a result, Hindu minority in Pakistan has practically disappeared while Muslim minority has dramatically increased and thrived.
2.Pakistan-Bangladesh conflict, 1971 (following civil war and secession). This war saw the highest number of casualties in any of the India-Pakistan conflicts. It is believed that from one to three million Bangladeshis were killed as a result of this war. Very little media coverage.
3. The eight-year-long war between Iraq and Iran, 1980-1988 making it longest conventional war of the 20th century resulting in almost a million killed. Tens of thousands of children employed by both sides as cannon fodder to set off landmines.
4.The First Gulf War; Invasion of Kuwait (Aug. 1990-Feb.1991), Operation Desert Storm, the Second Gulf War, (March-April 2003) and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
5. Ongoing Yemeni and Somali Civil Wars. Thousands killed. No media coverage.

6. Inter-sectarian Muslim violence between Shias and Sunnis in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. Several hundred thousand killed.
7.  Jordan’s crackdown on “Black September,” 1970. PLO crushed by Jordanian Legion under command of King Hussein (at least 25,000 killed).
8.  Syria’s suppression of the Muslim Brothers and opponents of the Assad regime; destruction of the city of Hama (at least 20,000 killed) to wipe out Muslim Brotherhood. Media barred from entering the city. Uprising in Hama by Muslim Brotherhood crushed by Assad regime in Syria Feb. 1982.
9. Current Syrian Civil War. It is quite probable that the son, current Syrian tyrant Baashar al-Assad has already broken his father’s (Hafez al-Assad) record, at least 20,000 now killed.
10. Al-Qaeda and Taliban violence in Pakistan and Afghanistan (Muslims are both perpetrators and largely victims for such crimes as sending girls to school, wearing make-up and listening to Western music).

11. Inter-Palestinian factionalism in Gaza; hundreds killed (Hamas activists threw at least 170 members of Fatha off roofs from high buildings).
12. Decade-long mass violence between Muslim religious extremists (Salafist movement) and Algerian government beginning in 1991 estimated to have cost between 150,000 and 200,000 lives. Practically no media coverage.
13. Sixteen-year-long civil war in Lebanon. The war lasted from 1975 to 1990 and resulted in an estimated 130,000 to 250,000 civilian fatalities. Another one million people (one-third of the population) were wounded, half of whom were left with lifetime disabilities.
14. Iraqi, Iranian, and Turkish suppression of Kurdish autonomy; approximately 180,000 Kurds killed, mostly civilians in Iraq, by Saddam Hussein’s forces via poison gas attacks.
15. Muslim terror against civilians in Chechnya, and additional hundreds killed in Moscow and other Russian cities including children at primary school. Russia’s two biggest terrorist attacks both came from Muslim groups. The Chechniyan separatist “Special Purpose Islamic Regiment” took an estimated 850 people hostage in Moscow in October 2002 at a theater. At least 129 hostages died during the rescue, all but one killed by the chemicals used to subdue the attackers.
16. In the September 2004, 1,200 schoolchildren and adults were taken hostage at a secondary school in Beslan, North Ossetia-Alania, which was overrun by an Islamic terror group. About 500 people, including 186 children, died in the attempt to free the hostages.
17. Muslim secessionist activity and terrorism in the Philippines (with almost monthly reports by American media that do not mention the words “Muslim” or “jihad”).
18. Darfur in the Sudan; genocidal attacks against non-Muslim Black Sudanese. On July 13, 2008, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court filed ten charges of war crimes against Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir, charges that included three counts of genocide, five crimes against humanity, and two of murder. The ICC’s prosecutors have claimed that al-Bashir “masterminded and implemented a plan to destroy in substantial part” three tribal groups in Darfur because of their ethnicity. Finally, the Southern Sudan seceded from the Muslim dominated north creating a new state in February, 2011 following a plebiscite approved by 99.6% of the population.
19. Muslim grievances and violence in Thailand; dozens killed.
20. Terrorist activity by local Muslims against the Han Chinese majority  in Western China. Several hundred fatalities.

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