Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Dupes of a false flag operation

James E. Horn

I am a retired American Diplomat. I served my country abroad for twenty-five years, a ten of those in Islamic countries. I held the highest levels of TOP SECRET security clearances with Code Word access to Sensitive Compartmentalized Intelligence (SCI). I was awarded a medal for VALOR, for actions I took during the war in Cambodia in 1975. Among other things, I worked very successfully in embassy and diplomatic security, counter intelligence, and counter terrorism. Portions of my highly rated book, EXPERIENCING ISLAM were censored by the CIA.

Has the US government been suckered? An Ambassador and his body guards/staff have been murdered in the most heinous manner by barbarians in an attack that is spreading to Americans all over the Islamic world. These attacks are a well planned and carried out act of terrorism under the Moslem Brotherhood and their al Qaeda.

Historically, Al Qaeda resisted the Soviet Union’s 1979 occupation of Afghanistan and the CIA provided all manner of support to those resisting the Soviets during this period. Among things that the CIA imparted to Al Qaeda was how to plan and carry out FALSE FLAG operations.

A FALSE FLAG operation is where someone or something is portrayed as something other than what it is, to make the victims of such a flim-flam operation think that someone else (a third party) did it. Commonly, the CIA has recruited spies who hated the USA, but using FALSE FLAG operators who the spy believed to be of another nationality, went to work for us. Some FALSE FLAG operations go on for years before they bear fruit. Al Qaeda, it seems has used this training well.

The COPTS of Egypt are a seriously oppressed second class people, dhimmis, who are the subject of the most egregious treatment at the hands of the Moslems. COPTS are never permitted to defend themselves, MUST pay special usury taxes for adhering to their faith in God, and their lives can be forfeit for the most trivial of reasons. Their daughters are raped and abused with impunity, their sons mutilated at the whim of Moslem barfbarians, and more. As a culture, the COPTS have lived under the harsh yolk of Islam for ten centuries, and as such, they, their culture are cowed into a permanent form of submission. The COPT communities in America are infiltrated by Moslem Brotherhood agents, and if a COPT here says or does anything that displeases the Moslems, their COPT kinfolk over there are held accountable and often suffer terribly for any transgression, real or perceived. Accordingly, few if any COPTS in their right mind will go against the rules of sharia either here or over there, and other COPTS tend to police this among their fellow COPTS.

When the (accurate and truthful but qualitatively poor) movie, The Innocence of Islam surfaced on 9/11/12, it was an excuse for Moslems around the umma (world of Islam) to go on rampages against COPTS, Americans, and American facilities.

Knowing how the COPTS of present day Egypt are suffering with dozens of COPTS being attacked and murdered daily, I gave my support for the movie, and still do to the perhaps clumsily done message it sets out – absolute, documented truths about Mohammed taken from the Koran, the Ahadith, and the Sunna.

The man identified as the producer of the Innocense of Islam, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, aka Sam Bacile is reportedly a COPT. But, his actions should be considered suspect as something abnormal for a COPT. While COPTS are very clever (a cultural trait necessary to survival), they tend not to be as blatant or bold as Nakoula.

Initially called Sam Bacile, he claimed that Israelis had funded the movie – to direct Moslem rage towards Israel perhaps hoping to start a war (desired by the Moslem Brotherhood/al Qaeda).
His behavior leaves him very suspect in my mind as I have had time to analyze news and recent events, I have come to a guarded conclusion that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, aka “Sam Bacile is actually a Moslem Brotherhood FOREIGN FLAG operation directed at the United States and COPTS in Egypt. Nakoula was created by the Moslem Brotherhood’s al Qaeda and placed here in the USA with instructions and support to create something that can be used as an excuse to butcher COPTS, start a war, or to cause our leadership to condemn and try to impose limits on our First Amendment.

One of Nakoula’s early claims was attributing funding and other support for the film to Jews/Israel, a clear attempt to exacerbate problems that Israel is having along the Egyptian Border with the Moslem Brotherhood who are looking for reasons to abrogate their treaty with Israel. As some Moslems have preached: First, the Saturday people, then the Sunday People”. The Jewish Sabbath is Saturday, and in Egypt the Jews have been wiped out already, so now the Moslems are focusing on the Sunday worshipers, the Christians.

Hillary Clinton whose husband rakes in millions from oil sheikdoms immediately jumped before a microphone to condemn the movie and its (factual) contents, an indirect shot at the First Amendment. While I saw her face and heard her voice, the words came from Huma Abedin, reportedly a Moslem Brotherhood plant in Hillary’s life.

Barak Obama likewise jumped in to make the same condemnation with a subtle shot at the First Amendment. Speaking of FALSE FLAG players, the book, Manchurian President, about Barak Obama is worth reading.

Our White House, State Department, and Department of Homeland Security are heavily infiltrated by Moslem Brotherhood spies/operatives and cannot themselves come to an analysis such as this. It would not be allowed. Janet Napolitano is far too dimwitted to even begin to grasp the depth of the many FALSE FLAG deceptions being carried out with the objection of subverting our Constution.

In summary, we are the dupes of a clever FALSE FLAG operation.

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