Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Streams Of Blood Islam Leaves Behind

Nurit Greenger

According to reports, Mother Jones magazine (Full Transcript of the Mitt Romney Secret Video from May 2012 - obtained a video from James Carter IV, President Jimmy Carter’s grandson, who leaked the footage to exact revenge on Romney for criticizing Carter.

The Associated Press reported that, reacting to the video Jimmy Carter sent his grandson an email saying: “James: This is extraordinary. Congratulations! Papa.”
However, Mitt Romney is RIGHT when he said in that meeting that the Arab-Palestinians DO NOT want Peace with Israel! Romney said that the Arab-Palestinians “have no interest whatsoever in establishing peace.”  He elaborated that Arab-Palestinians are disinterested in peace for “political purposes” and are “committed to the destruction and elimination of Israel.”
Romney called the call for peace “almost unthinkable to accomplish.” Romney also said that putting pressure on Israel to resolve the conflict is “the worst idea in the world” and regarding the proposals for an Arab-Palestinian state in which the “border between Israel and the West Bank is right next to Tel Aviv,” he said that Iran “would want to do, through the 'West Bank', exactly what they did through Lebanon and what they did near Gaza. The Iranians would want to bring missiles and armament into the West Bank and potentially threaten Israel."
All that is fine talking point for a USA fundraising meeting but hardly enough to stop the Islamic bestial entities. The black, filthy, soaked with blood claws of Islam are spreading.
Indeed, Mr. Romney stated the most basic facts. The Islamic monstrous beasts do not want peace, they are only able to murder and commit other evil depravations and cannot deliver peace. Islam can only be contained by force. Islamists do not belong in the free and enlightened world.
These degenerate beings pop behavior examples are the rape and murder of Christopher Stevens, the USA Ambassador in Benghazi, Libya and other attacks on American properties and the murder of Americans all over the world; the 1974 slaughter of dozens of children in the school in Ma'alot, Israel (“Their Eyes Were Dry” a Brandon Assanti Film - - -; the heinous slaughter of sleeping babies in Itamar, Israel; the murder of Dutch Filmmaker Theo Van Gogh; the destruction of the Twin-Towers in New York City on September 11, 2001 (9/11), the March 11, 2004 Madrid train bombings (11-M), coordinated, nearly simultaneous, bombings against the Spanish Cercanías (Commuter train) system of the city of Madrid, Spain – three days before Spain's General elections, in which 191 people were killed and 1,800 wounded, the July 7, 2005 (7/7) London bombings, and the list is endless, really endless.
Oh' let us not forget the Egyptian father who killed his three daughters, age 7, 5 and 3, by letting a poisonous snake bite them. The man, divorced from their mother because he doubted her fidelity, allegedly bought two cobras and let them bite the children while they were asleep so as not to be caught. (
Who can think of doing such things?
In Syria alone over 24,000 have been gruesomely slaughtered by their own people. So they did in Libya, in Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, etc., brutally killing their own as well as others.
Wherever the Moslem monsters settle, catastrophic acts ensue.
Islam is a cult of death; it settles score by murder only.  It therefore must be extirpated from existence, along with its principals or supporters.
It is the only way to protect and save the Civilized World.
It is now Islam's open war against the rest of the world; the soonest we, the non-Moslems admit it, the soonest we can get serious to defend ourselves.

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