Friday, September 20, 2013

Former Mubarak Advisor Dr. Osama Al-Baz, Who Died Recently, Denounced Antisemitism, Debunked Antisemitic Myths


Dr. Osama Al-Baz, a senior Egyptian diplomat and adviser to former Egyptian presidents Anwar Sadat and Hosni Mubarak, died on September 14, 2013, at the age of 83. In the 1970s, he was a member of Sadat’s negotiating team during the Camp David peace talks and played a key role in drafting the Camp David Accords.
In the early 2000s, he was one of the few Arab figures who spoke out against the antisemitic discourse that was prevalent in the Arab media, especially the Egyptian media. In December 2002, following harsh criticism from the American administration and press on the airing of the antisemitic Egyptian television series "Horseman Without a Horse," which was based on The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Al-Baz published a three-part series of articles in Egypt's government daily Al-Ahram in which he analyzed and denounced the phenomenon of antisemitism.

 Al-Baz clarified that antisemitism had arisen in Europe and was essentially foreign to the Arab world and to Islam, and went on to debunk some of the most common antisemitic myths, such as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the blood libel. He dismissed some common Arab claims about antisemitism, such as the claim that Arabs cannot possibly be antisemitic because they themselves are Semites, clarifying that "antisemitism" refers to Jews alone. He called on Arabs to recognize the Holocaust and revile Nazism, and warned against seeing Jews as a single homogenous group. Al-Baz then cast responsibility for the Arab-Jewish conflict – and, by implication, for Arab hostilities against Jews – on Zionism, and offered some recommendations to both Arabs and Jews for improving relations between them. 

In September 2004, he again spoke out against antisemitism and Holocaust denial in a talk show on Egypt's satellite channel Dream TV.
In January 2003, MEMRI published an abridged English version of Al-Baz's article-series that was posted on the Al-Ahram website.[1] Below are excerpts from this article, followed by a clip of the Dream TV show that was published on MEMRI TV.[2]
Dr. Osama Al-Baz
'Antisemitism' Is A European Concept
"Over the last three centuries European society has given rise to an idiosyncratic series of events and ideas that are absolutely specific, both geographically and historically. The peoples of the Middle East, like other non-Europeans, remained remote from these developments, not only in terms of physical distance but also in terms of their outlook on human nature and their own social and psychological circumstances. They have found -- and continue to find -- it difficult to comprehend the nature of such developments, to understand the ethos and spirit that gave rise to an important body of humanitarian thought. Europe witnessed several revolutions and widespread social upheaval while simultaneously experiencing rapid and intensive scientific and technological progress. It also witnessed many manifestations of a blend of blind prejudice and a sense of inherent superiority over other 'uncivilized' and 'backward' peoples producing, among other things, an imperialist colonial movement, which proceeded in tandem with a vaunted spirit of enlightenment and the prodigious philosophical, intellectual and practical accomplishments that benefited all mankind.

"Another manifestation of the irrationality peculiar to the European mindset was the prevalent attitude towards Jews, collectively and as individuals. Jews were inferior and the object of suspicion because they were 'different' in their religion, appearance and behavior. And it was precisely these differences that served as pretexts for intimidation, persecution and, at times, the annihilation of entire populations. Fear and hatred of Jews existed across all of Europe and assumed its most virulent forms in the Russian pogroms and, later, in the Nazi holocaust.
"It was during this period of glaring inconsistency between leaps forward in material and intellectual progress and jumps backwards in moral attitudes and behavior that the term antisemitism was first used, coined in Germany in 1873 by Wilhelm Marr. Subsequently, some European intellectuals would distinguish between 'anti-Jewish' and 'antisemitic' sentiments.
"The former, they argued, denotes prejudice of a purely religious nature, and is grounded in the Jews non-acknowledgment of Jesus Christ as the Messiah and their responsibility for his crucifixion. Antisemitism, on the other hand, was directed against a group of people, a volk, thought to share certain physical and behavioral characteristics that have no direct bearing on religious affiliation. The term thus signified a hatred of Jews based on ethnic and racial prejudices and, consequently, assumed secular connotations. According to this distinction 'anti-Jewish' [sentiment] ceases once a Jew converts to Christianity whereas 'antisemitism,' a fundamentally racist concept, persists and pursues its victim regardless of religion."
Debunking Antisemitic Myths: The 'Protocols' And The Blood Libel
"Because antisemitism is a secular concept and not contiguous with religious affiliation, its proponents required particular proofs to back the theory. Among the most broadly disseminated 'proofs' were the notorious Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the tales of Christian blood in Jewish matza. Although such claims have never been corroborated, their widespread currency fuelled hatred and fear of Jews.
"The so-called Protocols -- of which there were 24 in the original 110-page version -- were attributed to a cabal of rabbis who ostensibly published them in 1897, with the purpose of recording their conspiracy to create a global empire subject to Jewish rule. Freemasons, liberals, secularists, atheists and socialists were variously accused of conspiring with these rabbis to achieve their dream of world domination.
"There is a large body of evidence suggesting the Protocols were a forgery. It is hardly credible that a handful of individuals from a small minority should meet and set down their scheme to rule the world in a 110-page pamphlet that would be exposed sooner or later. Several experts have also pointed to a work that appeared in 1864 by Maurice Joly, Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, or Politics in the 19th Century, which has many stylistic similarities to the Protocols. And is it not a little strange that a group of rabbis would write a document of this type without using a single word of Hebrew, the language of the Torah and Talmud, or Yiddish, the language of Ashkenazi Jews which is still used in newspapers in Europe and the Americas today?
"Given the revolutions and upheavals Europe experienced in the late 19th and early 20th centuries it is likely that the Protocols were produced by conservative elements seeking to halt what they perceived as decline by attributing it to a vast conspiracy masterminded by European Jews. One needs only read the opening pages of the Protocols to realize its fraudulent nature. In the first protocol, for example, the authors attribute to themselves the vilest traits: 'Through the press we have gained our influence while we remained behind the curtain. Through the press we accumulated gold, and we did not care that that caused rivers of blood to flow.' Senior clergymen of any religion do not voluntarily level such charges against themselves and their coreligionists and then disseminate them on paper.
"The blood in the matza myth has a long history. In its original form Jews were accused of killing a Christian, preferably a child, on Easter to mock Christ on the day commemorating his crucifixion. Since Easter and the Jewish Pesach, or Passover, fall at the same time in the year, the tale evolved to include the claim that the Jews used the blood of their victims in religious rituals, particularly in making matza, the unleavened bread used to commemorate the Exodus. It was also said that Jews used blood in the manufacture of medicines."
The Arabs Must Not Admire The Nazis; The Holocaust Is A Fact
"Some Arab writers, commentators and individuals belonging to groups that describe themselves as Islamic have evinced a crude sympathy for Nazism despite the fact that it is alien to the beliefs and practices of Arab and Muslim peoples. Nazism is founded on a fanatical racist theory, expounded by Hitler in Mein Kampf, that holds that the Aryan race is inherently superior and therefore has the right to subjugate other peoples. Towards the Jews, the Nazis adopted what they called the "final solution", rubric for a program of systematic physical extermination. Jews were not the only group to suffer such barbarity. The Nazis also targeted gypsies, Slavs, the infirm, crippled and indigent.
"Those who admire Hitler for his demagogic hold over the masses or for his enmity to Britain, once the occupying power over Egypt and other Arab countries, would do well to recall the disasters he inflicted on his people. Hitler executed those who opposed him. He masterminded the horrors of the concentration camps into which the Jews and other 'undesirables' in Germany and the countries occupied by the Nazis were rounded up and eventually exterminated in vast numbers.
"Some writers have questioned the numbers of Jews that died as the result of Nazi atrocities. It is also true that some Jewish writers, such as Norman Finklestein in The Holocaust Industry, maintain that Zionist organizations capitalized on the Holocaust, an exploitation that has tarnished the memory of the victims of the concentration camps, including the author's mother.
"What concerns us here, however, is not scale of the tragedy, or how it was later used, but rather that it happened at all. Jews in Europe were the victims of a rabid antisemitism. To anthropologists and ethnologists, the term 'Semitic' refers to all peoples, Jews, Arabs and others descended from Abraham. The apologists for antisemitism, however, do not use the term in its technical sense, but rather to target Jews in Europe and this, in turn, gave rise to such concepts as the 'Jewish character,' 'Jewish morals,' 'Jewish culture,' and 'Jewish people.'"
"Such notions are founded on two fallacies. The first is that Jews share inherent biological, physical and moral traits and tend towards specific occupations. These allegedly distinct ethnic, behavioral and cultural traits make the Jews a singular race. To the proponents of such concepts Jews are 'alien,' the 'other.'
"Antisemitism, as here defined, is a purely European phenomenon, a manifestation of specific psychological, sociological and historical realities. And if, in the 20th century, this phenomenon has sometimes extended beyond the European continent, it has never done so with anything approaching Europe's fanaticism."
Antisemitism Is Alien To Arab Culture And History, Muslim Faith
"Have the Arabs or Muslims ever been antisemitic, in the sense of anti-Jewish? I believe that the impartial scholar must reply in the negative. Above all, the Arabs believe that they, like the Jews, are descended from Abraham and that they are thus cousins. Sharing the same cultural and ethnic origins, Arabs can hardly regard Jews as inherently 'different.'  It does not stand to reason that Arabs could harbor hatred or a sense of superiority towards people that share the same ethnic origins."
"Arab Nationalism was never anti-Jewish. It was not founded on an ethnic or religious basis, but rather on the basis of common bonds of language, culture and interests shared by all Arab speaking peoples. Its aim was to unify these peoples and mobilize their moral and material energies towards the defense of vital interest, the expulsion of the 'colonialist enemy' and the restoration of freedom and dignity. Only then could the Arab Nation play a part in world civilization commensurate with its cultural legacy, safeguard the collective security of the Arab peoples, and secure their right to progress. If anything, therefore, the 'other' in that epoch were the colonizers."
"Rather than setting itself in juxtaposition to Judaism or Christianity, Islam presents itself as an extension of the Judeo-Christian tradition. The Qur'an pays tribute to all the Jewish prophets, recognizes the Jewish and Christian faiths and establishes Islam as the culmination, or seal, of divinely revealed messages. The attitude of Islam towards Jews, whom it regards as one of the 'peoples of the Book,' should be seen within the context of the principles it establishes for the relationship between man and his fellow man. The Qur'an and the Sunna are replete with strictures calling for peace, mutual tolerance, justice and equality among the 'People of the Book.'"
"Because of the spirit of tolerance inherent in Islam, Muslims, Jews and Christians coexisted in harmony from the beginning of the Islamic Empire, through the Ummayid and Abbasid eras until the end of the Ottoman Empire. Nor should we forget that in Spain both Jews and Muslims, who had lived peacefully for seven centuries, suffered at the hands of the Christian inquisitions. It is also interesting to note that when French Jews began to flee the Nazi occupation of France the only country to offer them refuge was Morocco under the late King Mohamed V."
The Origin Of The Arabs' Conflict With Israel Has Nothing To Do With The Ethnic Or Religious Affiliations Of Its Founders
"This leads us to a second important question: did the spirit of brotherhood between the Arabs and Muslims, on the one hand, and Jews on the other, continue after the creation of the state of Israel. Sadly, one must answer that this spirit was impaired for a number of reasons. Firstly, the methods used by the founders of Israel against the Arabs of Palestine were brutal. Secondly, Israel, and the Zionist movement abroad, frequently used Jewish and Israeli interchangeably. This confusion caused Arabs to wonder whether the conflict that had erupted in Palestine and later spread to other Arab countries was between the Arabs and Israel or between the Arabs and Jews."
"Right-wing parties in Israel espoused expansionist beliefs inimical to peaceful coexistence in the region. The call for Eretz Israel, a greater Israel extending from the Nile to the Euphrates, naturally provoked alarm among neighboring countries."
"Since its creation, Israel has also routinely discriminated between its Jewish and Arab citizens, excluding the latter from military service and certain civil rights. Indeed, some claim that political society in Israel discriminates between Ashkenazim and Sephardim Jews."
"Israeli leaders have always insisted on the necessity of preserving the 'Jewish identity' of the state. This stress on the ethnic composition of the state has contributed to the rift between Jews and Arabs and gives the impression that Israeli society is racist."
"Religious political movements on both sides have also generated the erroneous impression that the conflict is between Judaism and Islam. That such rhetoric presents the two religions as incompatible deepens the gulf and creates the impression that the conflict is a battle for existence in which only one side can survive. And many Jewish and Zionist groups abroad, especially in the U.S. and Europe, wittingly or not, have contributed to augmenting the gap between Arabs and Jews by misrepresenting the nature of the Arab-Israeli conflict as a form of protracted feud with deep historical roots. They exacerbate matters further in their anti-Islamic rhetoric and activities while blindly defending the extremist policies of Israel. It must be stressed here, however, that not all Jewish groups and individuals abroad are prey to such attitudes; many remain insistent upon the distinction between Israel and Judaism and do not hesitate to openly criticize Israeli policies."
"One might possibly understand those Arab writers and media figures who attack Jews on the basis of the racist fallacies and myths that originated in Europe had the Arab cause not been firmly grounded in just demands. But the Arab cause is just and there is no excuse for borrowing from a legacy inconsistent with the tenets of our beliefs and the realities of our history, no excuse for not presenting our cause in its proper logical and moral framework. Most Israeli policies and attitudes are refutable because they fail to acknowledge the methods by which Israel was created, the uprooting and expulsion from their homeland of a people. It is also clear that many Israeli governments pursued policies inimical to the cause of peace and in violation of agreements signed by previous governments. It is possible to expose the fallacies and dangers of Israeli policy through rational argument and there is no excuse for borrowing from an alien, inhuman and outmoded antisemitic lore."
"Perhaps it is useful to simplify the issue for the reader by posing two questions. First, let us suppose that the Jewish state was founded on a land other than Palestine and accepted by the indigenous inhabitants of that land. Would the Arab and Islamic peoples have objected to such a state and entered into conflict with it? Second, if the people who had founded a non-Arab state in Palestine were not Jews -- if they were Christians, Buddhists or even non- Arab Muslims -- would the Arabs of Palestine and elsewhere have been anymore welcoming of that foreign implant?"
"The answer to both of these questions is no. The origin of the Arabs' conflict with Israel has nothing to do with the ethnic or religious affiliations of its founders. It has everything to do with the threat to a portion of the Arab national entity, which was eventually severed off and handed to a foreign people as a solution to a problem in which the Arabs had no hand in creating. Arab opposition to Israel never emanated from antagonism by Arab Muslims and Christians towards Jews and Judaism. The Arab conflict with Israel has always been, and should always be depicted as, a contemporary conflict over usurped national rights..." 
Below is a MEMRI TV clip from the September 1, 2004 talk show in which Al-Baz spoke out against antisemitism and Holocaust denial:

[1] See Special Dispatch No. 454, "Egypt's Response to Accusations of Arab Media Antisemitism," January 3, 2003.
[2] See MEMRI TV Clip No. 242, " President Mubarak's Advisor Osama Al-Baz Condemns Holocaust Denial," September 1, 2004.

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