Tuesday, September 03, 2013

President Abbas, Tear Down the Incitement

Nurit Greenger

On June 12, 1987 Ronald Reagan, then the president of the United States, challenged Mikhail Gorbachev, then the Communist Soviet Union leader. Reagan stood at the Brandenburg Gate, near the Berlin Wall that separated Communist east Berlin from West Berlin and said, "Tear down this wall!" Meaning, Reagan challenged Gorbachev, who was then the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, to tear the Wall down as an emblem of Gorbachev's desire to increase freedom in the Eastern Bloc through "glasnost" ("transparency") and "perestroika" ("restructuring").

The Communist regime isolated the people and thus controlled their minds. For many decades the people did not know what kind of a life exists beyond the Communist iron curtain.

Then Reagan spoke, the people acted and the iron curtain came tumbling down and the Soviet Union fell apart and people smelt freedom.

Since the Six Day War of June 1967 Israel has been dealing with an Arab enemy named "Palestinians" – whom she gained with the territory she regained from its Arab illegal occupiers. These Arabs reside in Israel's midst. Over the years, with a great assistance of Israel's mistaken policy, these Arabs caused the Israelis much death, mayhem and anguish. To control the people and instill and prolong the hate the Arabs harbor for Jews from time immemorial, and now for Israel, the Arab-"Palestinian" leadership constantly incites the young generation to hate Jews and Israel, to want to go to war with Israel and destroy the state so they can take back the land they lost but never was theirs, and to kill the Jews. President Reagan said, Gorbachev, tear down the wall, I say, Abbas, tear down the incitement.
Antisemitism is always in a back to the future mode. This human psychological disease that creates endorphin of hate of Jews is incurable. This disease last attack brought about the killing of 6 Million innocent Jews.
Let us identify what we are dealing with today? The Arab-"Palestinians" are antisemitic, genocidal and eliminationist; they are the enemy of the Jews just as the Nazis were. The cowardly West is their collaborationist. We can either talk in terms of WWII victorious Churchill or appeaser Chamberlin.
Those who speak about establishing an Arab state, called Palestine, in Judea and Samaria that is supposed to live in peace with Israel are thinking Pollyannaish, meaning are having unreasonably or illogically optimism. How can you establish a peace loving state with people their mind is filled with hate and vengeance for the people they suppose to live in peace with? Impossible task. Will never happen!
What do the Middle East countries want from themselves? From Israel?
The Middle East is a nest of religious differences. It is built on the foundations of power struggle. These foundations are shaky and constantly ready to shift. In this Middle East G-D bestowed upon a tribe of Jews land He promised them to be the land of milk and honey; this is the land of Israel. While the foundations of all states around her are unstable, modern Israel managed to isolate herself from those shaky grounds. The Jewish state is thriving and advancing on any level possible. Sadly, great portion of the world is making endless efforts to destabilize her foundation in any way possible.
The roof and the foundations of the Middle East are falling apart; termites are eating the walls and the basement is flooded in Egypt and Syria and Lebanon and Iraq do not look any better, yet John Kerry is in the yard wanting to clean the pool, making endless efforts to "fix" Israel's relations with the Arab-"Palestinians" while ignoring how rotten their mindset towards the Jews is.
There is this term Perfidious Albion, which is a pejorative phrase used within the context of International relations and diplomacy to refer to acts of duplicity, treachery and hence infidelity, with respect to promises made to or alliances formed with other nation states, in their pursuit of self-interest and the requirements of realpolitik. This is how the world treats Israel. It holds her to one standard no other country is subjected to; it ignores agreements it has signed with her, or witnessed to, which, time and time again confirms it is not her friend, it will back her up of stand up for her in time of trouble. The latest, the perfect storm of British and American leadership's ineptitude and gutlessness that have sent the wrong message to the butcher of Damascus and the genocidal Iranian regime, and have left Israel more certain than ever that it cannot rely on anyone else but herself.
From the time they were exiled from their land, 2000 years ago, Jews had a dream, to return home and start from where they left off. Many Jews have not made it home yet so they continue the dream. Irresponsibly, the world simply cannot leave the Jews alone to build the land they were thrown out of and to where they returned and have built from scratch. It is either the Arab neighbors who interfere with the construction with aggressive wars, or it is the Arab-"Palestinians" who create chaos and mayhem and much death. Israel is forever on edge and on alert.
While in exile, for 2000 years Jews lived in nothingness; when they arrived to their homeland they faced the ruins they left behind. Hardly anything changed during their absence of so many years. Desolation was everywhere. So what the Jews did with that nothingness? They began building greatness, that greatness that God delegated to them as his chosen children.
I ask the world to leave Israel alone to deliver His greatness to the world. I ask the world to stop attempting to destroy that greatness. This type evil was used against Jews for millennium. Each time their greatness excelled, evil people destroyed it.
In the past 65 years Israel has gone from strength to strength and excelled and there are forces today, from within and without what are working to destroy that excellence.
I speak to the world as a child of Holocaust survivors, as a Jewess, as a Sabra, Israeli born, as a mother, as a woman, as a person in anguish who sees the world falling apart because it has lost way, it has lost its moral compass. I call every person on earth to tear down the hate, the incitement, the zest for destruction. We have one world to preserve so preserve it.
In conclusion, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a German writer and politician; Goethe wrote the poem, “Das Göttliche / On the Divine” (http://matthewsalomon.wordpress.com/2008/05/02/goethe-das-gottliche-on-the-divine/)
Let the noble man
Be generous and good,
Tirelessly achieving
What is just and useful:
Let him be a model
For those beings whom he surmises.

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