Britain seeks to conduct an interesting surgical procedure. Extremely
difficult to perform, it is the equivalent of separating Siamese twins.
Success or failure rests on where the twins are connected. Britain is
the surgeon; the patient is a major religion. While the proposed
surgical approach seeks to eliminate one twin suffering from an
affliction of violence, the surgeon seems unaware the surviving twin
suffers from the same affliction.
In May 2013, British soldier Lee Rigby was brutally attacked and
slain in public view by two Islamic extremists on a London street during
daylight hours.
Armed with knives, a cleaver and gun, they nearly decapitated Rigby,
informing bystanders the killing was vengeance for Muslims killed in
Iraq and Afghanistan by British soldiers.
Born in Britain, the killers were of Nigerian descent, raised as
Christians but later converting to Islam as a result of radicalization
by domestic anti-West Muslim clerics.
In the attack's aftermath, British Prime Minister David Cameron
created an antiterrorism task force to make recommendations on how to
stop such radicalization of Britons by Muslim "hate preachers."
Mr. Cameron told the House of Commons that lessons must be learned
from the Rigby attack, adding, "When young men born and bred in this
country are radicalized and turned into killers, we have to ask some
tough questions about what is happening. It is as if that for some young
people there is a conveyor belt to radicalization that has poisoned
their minds with sick and perverted ideas. We need to dismantle this
process at every stage - in schools, colleges, universities, on the
Internet, in our prisons, wherever it is taking place."
One task force recommendation, while encouraging, provides only a
partial solution to a religion suffering from a diagnosis of violence
toward all nonbelievers.
The task force advises, and Mr. Cameron agrees, that Islam basically
needs to be separated into "Islam, the ideology" and "Islam, the
religion." He reports it is the ideology that gives rise to "Islamist
Mr. Cameron suggests that recognizing the dichotomy is important so
as to create separation between the religion's nonviolent and violent
extremist sides - the latter to be criminalized and no longer allowed to
disguise itself as a religion.
If the recommendation is implemented, it will give the government
more authority to stop Islamic hate preachers, ban groups encouraging
violence and disrupt Islamic extremist recruiting efforts. The approach
mirrors one Britain used in 1998 to effectively disrupt antisocial
behavior by hooligans and youth gangs.
While the hooligans' commitment to antisocial behavior was a passing
fancy, making dissuasion easier, the Islamic extremists' commitment is a
lifelong religious commitment not lending itself to the same.
Britain thinks its 2.7 million strong Muslim community to be mostly
moderates - but these moderates will take the policy as a crusade
against them.
A Jan. 8 opinion article in The Washington Times documents how deeply
entrenched Islam already is within British society: Muslim gangs known
as "Muslim London Patrols" can be seen abusing non-Muslim pedestrians
entering a Muslim area shouting, "This is a Muslim area Islam is here,
whether you like it or not . What we need is Shariah."
Dozens of Shariah law courts freely operate within Britain, issuing
domestic- and marital-law decisions complying with Shariah - but not
British - laws, the former being very abusive toward women. Supposedly
not legally binding, Muslims press for victims' obedience.
Reaching tidal wave proportions, sex crimes against women by
predatory Muslim taxi drivers have caused a British judge to issue a
public warning that no woman should expect to be safe in cabs.
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