I am chagrinned but not exactly shocked by the latest turn of events
As Shabbat went out, I had expressed surprise that – following the Friday
ceasefire broken almost immediately by Hamas with an attack that included a
suicide bombing and the kidnapping of Hadar Goldin – Netanyahu had not ordered a
significant escalation of the operation in Gaza. When it was clear that what was
happening was that IDF troops were being pulled back, a sense of great unease
set in. It seemed the operation was about to be terminated in a move that
many – myself very much included - saw as premature.
But no, we were told that it was just a redeployment, because the tunnel
phase of the operation was complete. We were told that the decision of the
Security Cabinet was to continue the operation. What is more, there would
be no participation in internationally promoted ceasefires, and we would not be
going to Cairo to negotiate: If Hamas cannot be trusted to honor its commitment
for a 72 hour ceasefire, there is no point in pursuing negotiations, went the
What happened following this announcement was that the Palestinian Arab
factions – Hamas, the PA, etc. – met in Cairo without Israel and put forth their
jointly arrived at and ludicrous demands. They hadn’t simply said – as one
might expect - that if Israel would not be participating there would be no point
in proceeding. They proceeded. And this was cause for great unease
regarding the likelihood of Israel’s joining the talks. Never mind the protests
from the Israeli government that we were continuing to do battle in Gaza.
The pressure for Israel to come participate was huge as a result of how the
situation was set up. Israel had wanted Egypt to mediate, with both Turkey
and Qatar frozen out of the picture. And that was actually
happening. Was Netanyahu going to leave Egypt’s al-Sisi with egg on his
face – thus taking the chance that our newly positive relationship with Egypt
would be soured? Egypt, along with the US, was calling on Israel to come
to Cairo.
All of this transpired within the course of three days. Late
yesterday it was announced that Israel and Hamas had jointly agreed to an
Egyptian sponsored three-day ceasefire.
And then it was announced that if the ceasefire held Israel would be
pulling out of Gaza completely and joining talks in Cairo.
So far the ceasefire is holding... When and if our troops are pulled
out, they will be deployed on the Israeli side of the border, prepared to go
back in immediately if necessary.
What Netanyahu said was that we had accomplished our primary goal of
destroying all tunnels that had been discovered that led into the south of
Israel; various technologies were being examined for use on the Israeli side of
the border to prevent new tunnels from being dug.
Additionally, Hamas had taken a significant hit with regard to depletion of
its rocket supplies and infrastructure. And 1,000 Hamas terrorists had
been killed.
The question lingers in the air, however, as to whether that significant
hit on Hamas was strong enough. The major leaders remain alive, and will
come out of their tunnels prepared to rebuild for the next attack. Some
one-third of their weaponry remains (which means, it is estimated, over 3,000
There was a disinclination on the part of the government to take over Gaza
again and take down Hamas entirely. I will not revisit here again in
detail the relevant questions touching upon whether truly taking out Hamas would
have been a good thing. Key among these is the question of whether it would have
paved the way for a take-over by al-Qaeda. But there is also the issue of
the burden that would be imposed on Israel were we to take over Gaza, and the
specter of horrendous fighting in Gaza City.
What remains with me, however, is a conviction that Hamas – if not entirely
eliminated – should have been sufficiently taken down so that it acceded on our
terms. I am vastly uncomfortable with the whole concept of having to give
Hamas – a terror organization that has been attacking us – something in return
for securing its quiet. And that’s what is implied in negotiations. Not
only is it wrong, it gives them a “win.”
Netanyahu’s goal right now, as I have been writing, is to tie the
rebuilding of Gaza to the demilitarization of Hamas. Hamas, clearly, is
not about to invite us, or international forces, in to seize its rockets (most
of which are hidden in very deep tunnels or in civilian facilities). What
Hamas leaders are suggesting obliquely is that if the blockade of its coastline
were lifted and all crossings to Gaza were opened, it might consider this.
But what we would have then is a situation in which rockets would be removed
only to be replaced by more sophisticated ones, supplied by Iran and N. Korea,
and brought through its open borders. In addition to this is the need to contend
with the ability of Hamas to manufacture its own rockets.
Clearly, this is a vastly complex issue that will require close examination
in coming posts. Hamas’s goal remains the same: To destroy Israel.
What we do know is that Egypt would be delighted to see Hamas
demilitarized, as would several Sunni Arab countries, starting with Saudi
Arabia, and the EU. What support Israel will receive in this matter
remains to be seen.
On a positive note, I observe a couple of things: It is my
understanding that once the Palestinian Arab contingent came to Cairo, Netanyahu
and al-Sisi were in touch daily. It occurs to me that our government may
have already received certain reassurances from Egypt that encouraged Netanyahu
to go ahead in agreeing to negotiations.
Then I have noticed that those elements within the government, and more
specifically within the Security Cabinet, who have been pushing for a hard stand
against Hamas have been very quiet with this latest announcement. I have
in mind, for example, Lieberman. I did pick up one statement by Bennett,
but it was fairly subdued and had to do with hoping Hamas did not renege on the
ceasefire again. This prompts me to speculate about what they know, that
may be reassuring.
We have lost 64 of our treasured boys in the war with Hamas, and the tone
of the nation is subdued. What has been observed over and over again is
the valiant and, indeed, noble, way in which mourning families have conducted
themselves. I salute every soldier – we have the very finest and most selfless -
and every family.

I have been told that 27 young women who were engaged to soldiers are now
One thing we are going to be confronting, even with the ceasefire, is
on-going unrest and violence on the part of segments of the Israeli Arab
population. We have a fifth column inside our country, and Hamas will be
pushing them on. In the last 24 hours or so, we’ve seen three terror
attacks in Jerusalem:
Yesterday afternoon, a terrorist driving a tractor (heavy excavation
equipment) in the Shmuel Hanavi neighborhood drove into a bus – which was,
thankfully, empty. The bus turned over and the driver was injured; a passerby
was killed. The terrorist was shot and killed.
About three hours later, a soldier on Mt. Scopus was shot in the stomach
multiple time, and critically injured. I have not heard that they caught
the terrorist.
Today, just hours ago, a security guard at the entrance to Ma’ale Adumim –
just outside of Jerusalem to the east - was stabbed and moderately hurt. I
believe the terrorist, who drove away, has been apprehended.
The other day I put up a link to a YouTube that showed an interview with an
Arab mother whose baby was being treated in an Israeli hospital. She speaks very
openly about embracing death and the honor of being a shahid (martyr) for
Jerusalem. She would gladly see her young son go this route.
I had asked that you help it go viral, but, as many wrote to point out, it
was taken down. I now have another longer (7 minute) and even more
effective version of the video – more effective because it also shows the
kindness to her of Israeli medical staff. (With thanks to Fred E.)
If you haven’t seen it yet, please do so. And please! I ask
everyone who reads this to send it out to at least three people. People
need to understand what we are dealing with.
I am getting a great deal of wonderful email messages from readers telling
me about pro-Israel demonstrations in various places. Love it, but cannot
mention them all or run all the videos showing them.
But I will close here – as Tisha B’Av comes to a close as well – with this
lovely video about a spontaneous pro-Israel rally in the Diamond District of
© Arlene Kushner.
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